
Happy The Abc's Of Toddler Activities {P Through T}

Welcome to our ABC's of Toddler Activities series!

This calendar week I'm sharing elementary toddler activities amongst you lot equally nosotros movement through the ABCs! 

Today we're sharing toddler activities starting amongst the letters P through T! (Yesterday we shared activities K-O, Tuesday we shared activities F-J as well as Mon we shared A-E, as well as then banking concern fit them out on our ABC's serial landing page if you lot missed them). Many of these activities aren't only for toddlers, as well as then attempt them out amongst your large kids too!

Have you lot made puffy pigment with your toddler? There are lots of unlike versions out there, but nosotros decided to brand microwave puffy pigment using water, flour, nutrient coloring, as well as salt. We basically followed this puffy pigment recipe from Inner Child Fun & Play At Home Mom. Inner Child Fun made puffy pigment snowflakes that were adorable!

Since this was our outset fourth dimension exploring puffy pigment at home, nosotros didn't accept anything inward detail nosotros wanted to make. We only played. We made snowmen, rockets, as well as only random dots. My boy also makes puffy pigment at schoolhouse as well as they practise the gum as well as shaving cream version. Allie at No Time for Flashcards has shared several Puffy pigment activities that she's done amongst her daughter, as well as then shaving cream puffy pigment is side past times side on our "to practise at home" listing (once I acquire inward to the grocery store). 

There are as well as then many cool puffy pigment projects out there... as well as then if you're looking for some inspiration, hither are a few posts to banking concern fit out:

Snowman Puffy paint via H5N1 Little Delightful
Cupcakes amongst Puffy Paint icing via Teach Preschool
Puffy Paint Rainbows via Meet the Dubiens

Next inward our alphabet is Q for quiet activities! Toddlers honey to brand noise, but it is nifty to assist them larn how to relish serenity fourth dimension as well as serenity activities... particularly when you're inward places where they can't live as well as then loud (church, restaurants, etc.). I shared this send near helping to transition your tike to a successful serenity time (once they surrender naps) as well as consider I'd part a few of our favorite serenity activities amongst you! 

These activities are helpful at our describe of piece of job solid when the infant is sleeping as well as my toddler as well as preschool are upwards as well as wanting to live creative!

I also honey this serial past times My Delicious Ambiguity filled amongst busy pocketbook ideas for when you lot are out as well as near (or home) as well as kids bespeak to live active as well as quiet. My Small Potatoes also Sensory Play ideas equally business office of this ABC's series... as well as then caput on over to acquire some novel ideas.

Some of our favorite sensory activities include playing as well as exploring amongst water, packing peanuts, buttons, piping cleaners, pom poms, whipped cream, yogurt, cereal, ice, playdough, paint, yarn, sand, shaving cream, as well as loads as well as loads of other materials exterior inward the backyard. Yesterday nosotros played amongst goop as well as ice (via Growing a Jeweled Rose) spell I was making dinner as well as the kids had a blast. Do you lot accept a favorite sensory material? What sensory materials practise you lot need/want to explore more?

We are HUGE fans of anything related to transportation at our house... cars, trains, trucks, planes... you lot parent it, nosotros honey it. Our kids honey trash hateful solar daytime as well as are glued to the window all morning time watching for the trucks. My toddler also spends a expert component subdivision of her hateful solar daytime driving trains or as well as then our prepare tabular array or flight her Little People plane or as well as then the house. I am ever looking for a novel shipping themed action or arts and crafts to try. Below I am featuring a few of our favorites.

Yesterday nosotros made cardboard box cars (decorated amongst stickers as well as point markers) as well as nosotros watched our electrical flow favorite moving-picture exhibit (Wall-E) inward our identify unit of measurement room amongst popcorn. The action was a hitting as well as it was fun watching them pretend to drive their cars around.

We also accept a send featuring 11 ways to play as well as larn amongst toy cars!

Hands On: As We Grow has an awesome collection of 35 Vehicle Activities only inward example you lot are looking for fifty-fifty to a greater extent than transportation-themed ideas for your piffling ones!

We accept had such a fun calendar week playing at our describe of piece of job solid as well as trying out many of our favorite P-T activities over again as well as again.

I'd honey to take away heed your other favorite toddler activities that start with P-T , as well as then add together them inward the comments as well as if you lot accept a spider web log send link or photo, come upwards part on our Facebook wall!

Click hither for activities U-Z

More Activities for Babies as well as Toddlers

Zero to Two: The Book of Play (my e-book) is amount of fun activities for babies as well as toddlers. Download your re-create here!

If you're interested inward checking out some ABC's serial Mom Tips & Tricks activities, click on these other posts below:
Mom Tips & Tricks

m sharing elementary toddler activities amongst you lot equally nosotros movement through the ABCs Happy The ABC's of Toddler Activities {P through T}
To meet all the other ABC's serial topics covered past times my blogging friends, click on the paradigm above.

Tomorrow I'll live sharing the final business office of our toddler activities series. All of our activities volition start amongst the letters U, V, W, X, Y, as well as Z! 

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