
Happy The Abc's Of Toddler Activities {K Through O}

Welcome to our ABC's of Toddler Activities series!

This calendar week I'm sharing uncomplicated toddler activities amongst y'all equally nosotros displace through the ABCs! 

Each action volition live slow to prepare as well as purpose materials that y'all in all likelihood already possess got simply about your house. These activities aren't rocket scientific discipline as well as some of them mightiness non live brand-new to you, but they are tried as well as tested activities that my toddler has enjoyed... thus perfect to bookmark (or pin) when y'all ask a go-to action on a ho-hum afternoon.

Today we're featuring toddler activities starting amongst the letters K through O! (Yesterday we shared activities F-J as well as Mon we shared A-E, thus banking concern jibe them out on our ABC's serial landing page if y'all missed them). Many of these activities aren't simply for toddlers, thus endeavor them out amongst your big kids too!

Do y'all possess got whatever toddlers that similar to create or bake at your house? K is for Kid Chef! My immature adult woman says "help y'all mommy?" as well as tries to delineate a chair over to the counter every fourth dimension I am making dinner or some form of treat... she is my favorite piffling kid chef! I dear to abide by ways to possess got her assistance me inwards the kitchen as well as endeavor to include both of my kids equally oftentimes equally I tin inwards repast training or other baking activities. There are thus many groovy linguistic communication skills that tin live learned inwards the kitchen, inwards add-on to academic skills similar reading, measuring, as well as practicing other math skills.

As business office of our annual summertime "Camp Mom" serial final twelvemonth nosotros did an entire cooking themed week. We fifty-fifty hosted a Little Chef party as well as had a nail amongst our friends. We decorated chef hats, made spaghetti hot dogs, as well as went on a utensil hunt. Pretending to create or bake inwards our play kitchen is also something that never gets old!

What does your toddler dear to create amongst you?

We love...

I abide by that when I permit my kids live involved amongst making dinner, they savor the nutrient thus much to a greater extent than as well as are less picky (hooray!). I ask to permit my kids live kid chefs to a greater extent than often! If y'all are looking for to a greater extent than kid chef ideas, banking concern jibe out Lego birthday party. I already desire to create some other one. We did Lego Duplo printing, painting, ate Lego themed food, as well as did some Lego relay races. The kids had a blast. Lego Duplo blocks are my favorite for toddlers because they are chunky as well as slow to manipulate.

In add-on to printing as well as paradigm amongst Duplo Legos, we've also gone on Lego hunts simply about the trouble solid as well as we created a Lego rainbow! If y'all ask to a greater extent than Lego ideas, banking concern jibe out this Lego Pinterest board past times Crayon Freckles.

As I mentioned inwards my postal service yesterday, my kids are constantly moving... thus today nosotros are sharing lots of movement activities! At our trouble solid nosotros possess got a freeze trip the lite fantastic toe political party at to the lowest degree i time a hateful solar daytime as well as my kids also dear to run laps simply about our kitchen as well as cul-de-sac. I am constantly trying to invent novel ways to acquire them moving as well as having fun. Sometimes I fifty-fifty grapple to create a learning action that gets their bodies going... similar our super pop ocean beast motion game and escape the volcano form game.

Other favorite motion activities include stroller divulge races, color wall slam, indoor counting croquet,  making a spy course, as well as playing balloon tennis. If you're looking for fifty-fifty to a greater extent than ways to displace amongst your kids, banking concern jibe out Hands On: As We Grow's xxx Moves for Excess Energy

Toddlers dear their names! We dear to create name puzzles, cry stamps, name sticker art, name hunts, as well as name games (especially ball games)!

Name Twister is a fun agency to displace your trunk as well as exercise stepping on the letters inwards your cry too!

It tin also live fun to create a Name Banner for your child's room featuring their favorite theme. We made a cry train. As a toddler, my boy loved looking at the letters as well as goodness proverb them when he woke upwards inwards the morning. 

You tin abide by other Name action & arts and crafts ideas on my Name Pinterest Board

Our final missive of the alphabet today is letter O for obstruction course!! Creating an obstruction course of pedagogy is such a uncomplicated as well as open-ended activity. You tin comprise all of your toddler's favorite activities. We similar pulling out our tunnel, tinker toys, blankets, pillows, chairs, boxes, yarn, as well as all sorts of other random objects as well as thus nosotros create a course. We include jumping, crawling, hopping, running, walking, balancing, building, etc. It is exhausting as well as thus fun!

Usually I create the kickoff course of pedagogy innovation as well as the kids possess got to follow me as well as endeavor as well as re-create all of the tings that I do, inwards order. This action is groovy for strengthening retentiveness skills too. Then nosotros accept turns re-arranging the course of pedagogy as well as existence the leader. It is thus groovy to come across what the kids come upwards up amongst equally their obstruction course of pedagogy activities! 

I'd dear to remove heed your other favorite toddler activities K-O, thus add together them inwards the comments as well as if y'all possess got a weblog postal service link or photo, come upwards part on our Facebook wall!

Go hither for activities P-T

If you're interested inwards checking out some ABC's serial Arts & Crafts activities, click on these other posts below:

Arts & Crafts

m sharing uncomplicated toddler activities amongst y'all equally nosotros displace through the ABCs Happy The ABC's of Toddler Activities {K through O}
To come across all the other ABC's serial topics covered past times my blogging friends, click on the paradigm above.

Tomorrow I'll live sharing several to a greater extent than toddler activities. They volition start amongst the letters P, Q, R, S, as well as T! 

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