
Happy Brand Your Ain Grass Pilus Salon From The Garden Classroom Book

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I am beyond thrilled to live participating inwards the mass tour for my friend Cathy's novel book, The Garden Classroom

I bring a consummate together with talk dark pollex when it comes to gardening together with making things grow... or fifty-fifty simply keeping them alive. My destination for this Spring is to plow over a novel leafage together with larn a combat close gardening together with portion what I larn amongst my kids! I am hence excited to bring Cathy guiding me along through her book.

Today I'm going to portion a fiddling combat close The Garden Classroom mass amongst y'all together with I'm also going to portion i of the activities that nosotros tried from Cathy's mass (a Tin Can Hair Salon), amongst a few modifications. 

The Garden Classoom is a mass that shares creative hands-on ways to purpose the garden to inspire learning. The mass is for kids ages four to 8 but nosotros are having fun adapting some of the activities for my toddler every bit well!

The Garden Classroom mass has 7 sections along amongst a Garden Journal together with additional resources. Here are the sections included inwards the book...

  • An introduction that shares how to raise immature gardeners. The department includes what to grow, how to develop your garden classroom, together with garden volcabulary.
  • Garden Basics (this is my favorite department since I take away basic info!)
  • Playful together with imaginative gardening activities (we volition live spending a lot of fourth dimension inwards this one)
  • Reading together with writing gardening activities
  • Science together with math gardening activities
  • Garden inspired Arts together with Crafts (these are seriously gorgeous...love them)
  • Garden recipes (I'm totally making the basil pesto- yum!)

If y'all desire your ain sneak peek within The Garden Classroom, simply click some on the picture below. 

We've been having hence much fun looking through Cathy's mass together with plotting which activities nosotros desire to try. My kids are planning a fairy garden correct forthwith together with also desire to create our ain garden fort.

Our favorite action inwards The Garden Classroom is the Tin Can Hair Salon. 

To brand a tin tin move pilus salon y'all grow grass inwards a tin tin move together with and hence decorate the exterior of the tin move amongst fiddling faces stuck on using magnets. Once the grass is grown together with the tin move faces are designed y'all tin move bring your ain pilus salon! This action is such a fun foremost fourth dimension growing action for kids.

To alter this action a combat for my toddler nosotros decided to grow our grass inwards plastic cups together with and hence stick the plastic cups within decorated newspaper cups. 

Here are the materials nosotros used...

  • plastic cups
  • paper cups
  • spoon or shovel
  • water can 
  • potting soil
  • grass seed
  • water (not also much)
  • googly eyes
  • markers
  • foam shapes
  • tape
  • white glue
  • scissors
  • hair clips/bows/hair ties/ribbons

Instead of using magnets to stick on our faces nosotros simply used record together with gum together with also decorated the newspaper cups amongst markers. Easy peasy!

Here are a few photos of our planting, decorating, together with grass pilus salon experience!

The kids had a boom scooping dirt into their cups prior to planting the grass seed. I lay everything on plow over of a painter's tarp to assist comprise the mess a bit.

Then I allow them scoop inwards some grass seed together with spread it some together with bury it inwards a fiddling to a greater extent than potting soil. I genuinely intend nosotros lay agency also many grass seeds into each cup... hence some of the seeds never grew... but nosotros withal had TONS of grass!

The finally pace was watering! This is ever tricky amongst fiddling ones since y'all don't desire them to overflowing the plants together with kill them at the really beginning!

I allow the kids H2O a fiddling combat using the watering cans (cheap ones nosotros bought at Target finally summer) together with and hence I also had them purpose a spray bottle since that helps throttle the amount they spray.

We planted our grass several weeks prior to planning our grass pilus salon.

The kids had hence much fun waiting... together with waiting... together with waiting for our grass to emerge.

I genuinely didn't intend it would. Neither did my husband. 

I genuinely went to the shop together with bought grass that was already grown every bit a dorsum upward simply inwards illustration our grass didn't grow... that agency nosotros could withal create this activity... since the kids were SO EXCITED close it. (Note: the tallest grass inwards the photos higher upward is from the shop :)).

I kept plugging along together with the kids together with I watered it daily amongst a spray bottle (not also much, together with non also little).

Fortunately, OUR GRASS GREW!!! I haven't been this excited close anything inwards a long time. It took to a greater extent than than a total calendar week for the grass to start to emerge together with and hence it simply kept growing! After a few weeks it was long.

Once our grass got pretty high (and was starting to wilt a bit), nosotros decided to acquire moving together with brand our Grass Hair Salon! 

The kiddos decorated their cups together with and hence nosotros added the plastic loving cup filled amongst grass within together with and hence they were create to get preparation their crazy grass friends!

We had ribbons, pilus clips, pilus ties, etc. together with the kids played some amongst those a little. Their favorite matter to create was give the grass a pilus trim.

It was hence cute to lookout how carefully they cutting the grass pilus :)

Once the kids were done cutting nosotros laid the grass aside to water. Hopefully we'll bring fourth dimension for some other Grass Hair Salon afterward this week. It was hence fun!

If y'all are interested inwards gardening amongst kids y'all tin move co depository fiscal establishment represent out The Garden Classroom mass tour over on NurtureStore to larn to a greater extent than close this awesome mass together with run into a few other featured activities.

You tin move also pick out handgrip of your ain re-create of The Garden Classroom! You'll live able to acquire an introduction to gardening together with taste an entire twelvemonth of outdoor play together with learning ideas for kids!

From The Garden Classroom yesteryear Cathy James, © 2015 yesteryear Cathy James. Reprinted yesteryear organisation amongst Roost Books, an imprint of Shambhala Publications Inc., Boston, MA. www.roostbooks.com.

Disclosure: I received a gratis re-create of The Garden Classroom from my friend Cathy to read together with portion amongst our Toddler Approved community. All opinions shared are my own.

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