
Happy The Abc's Of Toddler Activities {U Through Z}

Welcome to our ABC's of Toddler Activities series!

This calendar week I'm sharing uncomplicated toddler activities with y'all equally nosotros displace through the ABCs! 

Today the activities we're sharing showtime with the letters U through Z! (Yesterday nosotros shared actvities P-T, Wednesday we shared activities K-O, Tuesday we shared activities F-J in addition to Mon we shared A-E, hence cheque them out on our ABC's serial landing page if y'all missed them).

Both of my kids conduct maintain loved utensils... though they rarely desire to operate them inward the traditional way. :) Maybe that's because I similar to come upwardly up with unconventional ways to operate them too? There are hence many dissimilar crafts in addition to activities y'all tin give the axe do with utensils in addition to many of them are neat for strengthening fine in addition to gross motor skills!

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few of our recent favorite utensil activities conduct maintain included playing hockey with wooden spoons, making plastic silverware puppets, doing pretend play with our play kitchen utensils, going on a utensil hunt, in addition to picking upwardly Little People animals using tongs.

Here are a few other activities y'all could attempt with kitchen utensils:

Kitchen Utensil Prints via No Time for Flashcards
Montessori Utensil Matching via How We Montessori
Wooden Spoon Puppets via The Mud Pie Makers

You could also play in addition to create with writing utensils... in addition to that could live a whole other post!

Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters. Some are fabulous eaters in addition to many kids who were neat eaters equally babies of a abrupt are super terrible eaters equally toddlers. We are constantly trying to acquire our kids to swallow to a greater extent than variety... specially vegetables. They'd live happy with chicken nuggets in addition to Sponge Bob macaroni in addition to cheese every solar daytime if nosotros allow them (and sometimes I do...).

Over the yesteryear yr or hence we've done a few activities related to vegetables to attention acquire our kids to a greater extent than excited close eating them (and a multifariousness of them... non merely corn in addition to peas)!

The activities that conduct maintain been the most successful for us were our rainbow grocery store hunt in addition to our eating a rainbow activities. We also shared a uncomplicated choosing a salubrious plate nutrition activeness over at Kids Activities Blog. Do y'all conduct maintain whatever tips for picky eaters? The spider web log Your Kid's Table is a phenomenal resources that is filled with ideas for helping to amend your child's eating. For me it merely comes downwards to scheme in addition to time. When I conduct maintain the fourth dimension to conduct maintain my kids attention with dinner or attention me grocery shop, it is amazing how much to a greater extent than they volition eat. When I am organized plenty to invention a multifariousness of meals during the calendar week in addition to give the kids a multifariousness of nutrient on their plate... it is also makes a large difference. My 2013 New Year's resolutions include making healthier meals for our family. If y'all conduct maintain whatever favorite recipes that your kids like... definitely top them along!

The large windows inward our line of piece of occupation solid are kinda similar giant white boards. One of my toddler's favorite activities is drawing on the windows with whiteboard markers or special window markers. Both are pretty slow to build clean off... in addition to oftentimes cleaning with a rag in addition to H2O (or a spray bottle) is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than fun than drawing on the windows!

Another matter nosotros dear to purchase are uncomplicated window clings from Target. I mean value they sell them for almost every vacation inward the $1 aisle or vacation section. We operate them for window games or tangram activities

We also dear window Sun catchers. We brand these with crayon in addition to wax newspaper in addition to cutting them into shapes in addition to hang them inward front end of the window.

Sticky newspaper (contact paper) tin give the axe live used to brand viscous window activities! Mama's Little Muse shares this colorful window art and Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Little Learning for Two tried using a variety of materials from some the line of piece of occupation solid to do window art. It is hence fun to conduct maintain such a versatile surface that is hence slow to operate for creating!

Do y'all practice every solar daytime or a few days a week? Do y'all practice with your kids or alone? I similar to mix it upwardly in addition to do both because I mean value it is actually of import for my kids to see me exercising in addition to empathise that my wellness is of import to me... in addition to I also mean value it is a lot of fun to do it together! 

I dear to embed practice into our solar daytime yesteryear running to the green (pushing 2 kids inward the jogger) piece my boy bikes amongst of me. Once nosotros acquire to the green nosotros do circuit preparation sort of activities on the play structure. You tin give the axe piece of occupation hence many muscles merely climbing upwardly ladders or going across the monkey bars. Pumping your legs on the swing is a neat workout too! I desire my kids to larn that practice is something y'all tin give the axe do anytime in addition to it is a lot of fun!

Some of our favorite ways to practice at our line of piece of occupation solid include trip the low-cal fantastic parties, doing gymnastics inward the playroom, running laps some our cul-de-sac or kitchen, in addition to riding bikes. The kids also dear to bounce some piece I do the 30-Day Shred or kickboxing videos when it is rainy outside.

We've also created circuit preparation cards to vary things upwardly a bit. The cards focus on activities inward these iv dissimilar areas: aerobic/cardiovascular, abdominal strength, upper torso strength, in addition to flexibility. EJ also created a circuit that is Winter Olympic themed. Many of our learning activities include displace in addition to tin give the axe live neat workouts too. 

Here are stringing stars.

If you're looking for some cool ways to operate yarn with toddlers, hither are a few.

Yarn Rainbow via Raising Two Girls
Yarn Color Wheel via Hands On:As We Grow
Yarn Books via Small Types

m sharing uncomplicated toddler activities with y'all equally nosotros displace through the ABCs Happy The ABC's of Toddler Activities {U through Z}
To encounter all the other ABC's serial topics covered yesteryear my blogging friends, click on the picture above.

Stay tuned for my postal service afterwards this weekend announcing the details of this year's 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge. It starts on Jan 21st in addition to is going to live AWESOME. 

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