
Happy Virtual Mass Lodge Summertime Camp

Summer is correct to a greater extent than or less the corner together with nosotros are SO EXCITED to denote a especial projection we've been working on!

This summertime nosotros volition hold out joining with Rainy Day Mum and The Educators' Spin On It to host a Virtual Book Club Summer Camp!

Virtual Book Club Summer Camp is going to hold out v incredible weeks filled alongside book-related themed activities together with crafts.

Each calendar week we'll portion alongside you lot the subject for the week, a render list, mass suggestions based on the theme, loads of links to fun activities together with crafts you lot tin laissez passer the sack try, together with several posts sharing novel content created but for Virtual Book Club Summer Camp past times your Virtual Book Club Camp Counselors (me, Cerys, together with Kim)!

Our goals for Virtual Book Club Summer Camp are... 

  • Get exterior together with larn moving (inspired past times the books nosotros read, of course!)
  • Read a lot together with endeavor out new-to-us books together with authors
  • Craft together with practice using uncomplicated together with cheap materials that nosotros already bring to a greater extent than or less the house
  • Help our kids prepare an fifty-fifty deeper honey for reading
  • Embed science, math, language, together with cooking skills into our book-inspired activities
  • Encourage you lot to larn creating together with reading alongside your kids this summer!

Virtual Book Club Summer Camp volition kickoff on Monday, June 24th together with destination on Friday, July 26th.

Don't fille out on whatever information or updates. You tin laissez passer the sack sign upward below to have our Virtual Book Club Summer Camp News & Weekly Planner. 

More details volition hold out coming soon! I promise you lot volition hold out joining in! Leave a banker's complaint inwards the comments if you'll hold out participating alongside us this summer!

Are you lot familiar alongside the Yearlong Virtual Book Club for Kids series and larn caught up. All twelvemonth we've spotlighted a novel writer each calendar month together with we've done book-related crafts together with activities. It has been then much fun! In May nosotros are featuring books past times Leo Lionni.

*Brands may contact us regarding sponsorship opportunities at toddlerapproved (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank you My Cute Graphics for the role of the Sun icon above.

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