
Happy Toddler Approved Musical Instruments: Alex Musical Owl Review

by Kids Craft Contributor EJ

I grew upward inwards a dwelling sum of music, together with promise to instill the same dearest together with appreciation that I guide maintain inwards music to my children.  While I would dearest to guide maintain a solid sum of instruments, I'm rattling careful inwards choosing which ones I choose into our play infinite because nosotros alive inwards a pocket-size 2 bedchamber apartment.

Today I am excited to portion closed to Toddler Approved musical instruments that nosotros enjoy.

ALEX toys gave me the chance to examination out/review their Musical Owl, which seemed ideal for our dwelling because it is a compact toy containing iv musical instruments inwards i (drum pad, cymbals, washboard & xylophone) together with 2 "lollipop" mallets (at to the lowest degree that is what my children intend they hold back like).

The owl is made out of a sturdy woods together with painted inwards bright, bold colors.  The xylophone together with cymbal create a sweetness audio (even when beingness pounded on past times an enthusiastic boy).

The drum pad together with washboard are durable together with solid (again, good tested together with pounded on past times an enthusiastic boy).  While in that location are 2 holes to give-up the ghost on the mallets when non inwards use, I could foresee i or 2 of them beingness carried into closed to other room inwards solid together with misplaced (my alone delineate concern amongst the toy (if you lot don't count the kids having disagreements over whose plough it is to play amongst it)).

Overall, my children guide maintain loved playing amongst this "all inwards one" instrument.  I dearest that it doesn't guide maintain upward likewise much space, gives them enough of options for play together with exploration of music, together with that it does non involve batteries!

I also discovered that ALEX has a whole delineate of Musical Bath Time toys:

Do you lot guide maintain musical instruments inwards your house? Are in that location whatever instruments that you lot wishing you lot didn't have?  I've banned whatever recorders/toy flutes (until somebody invents i that comes amongst a develop of headphones connecting to the base of operations where the audio comes out - together with so alone the kid is hearing the i high pitched banking concern annotation that they look to play over together with over).

How practice you lot learn your children to relish together with appreciate music? What are the favorite instruments inwards your house?

Thanks to ALEX Toys for sharing this fun production amongst us! If you lot are interested inwards exploring closed to of the other toys that they make, caput on over to their website. You tin also connect amongst ALEX on Pinterest together with Facebook to listen to a greater extent than close their products together with other creative ideas.

"It all begins amongst a brushstroke... it all begins amongst ALEX"

Disclaimer: The products shared inwards this postal service were given to me for gratis to review past times our friends at ALEX Toys. The opinions expressed inwards this postal service are mine. 

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