
Happy Learning Fun For Toddlers & Preschoolers {Toddler Approved This Week}

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Last calendar week nosotros spent a lot of fourth dimension at parks amongst friends together with going on põrnikas together with acorn hunts. I bought the kids each a põrnikas catcher from the Target Dollar Spot together with they've been catching snails together with earwigs together with all sorts of other things. We also did a few põrnikas together with Spring themed activities that I am excited to part amongst you lot over the adjacent week. 

When nosotros weren't exterior hunting bugs, nosotros tried out a few activities from roughly favorite bloggers that I am excited to part amongst you!

My toddler hasn't done much amongst patterns yet, together with thus I introduced her to Learn amongst Play at Home activity's learning patterns amongst Lego. We did a uncomplicated ABAB designing together with talked nearly the colors of the Legos. She has a long ways to become earlier this is an independent activity, but Legos were fun materials to explore with!

Learning Patterns amongst Lego via Learn amongst Play at Home

Since the kids were already excited terminal calendar week nearly doing anything bug-related... they were amazingly excited when I suggested making egg carton bugs that nosotros constitute at It's Gravy Baby! We didn't brand the kids follow whatsoever rules, together with thus it was cool to encounter how many eyes they used together with what colors they painted the bugs!

Lois Ehlert together with are together with thus excited to add together a novel majority to our library.  Last calendar week nosotros spent a lot of fourth dimension at parks amongst friends together with going on põrnikas together with acorn hunts Happy Learning Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers {Toddler Approved This Week}

We are big advocates of BabbaCo's BabbaBoxes... together with thus if you lot are interested inward checking them out too, only click on the ikon below. If you lot desire to read to a greater extent than nearly the Babbabox, my post, BabbaBox: H5N1 Cool Learning Tool for Kids is a groovy house to start.

 Last calendar week nosotros spent a lot of fourth dimension at parks amongst friends together with going on põrnikas together with acorn hunts Happy Learning Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers {Toddler Approved This Week}

Last calendar week nosotros also played amongst these awesome Stampers Last calendar week nosotros spent a lot of fourth dimension at parks amongst friends together with going on põrnikas together with acorn hunts Happy Learning Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers {Toddler Approved This Week} that my mom sent to the kids. All l stamps kept them busy together with having fun creating land I made dinner.

Looking ahead to adjacent calendar week nosotros are excited to focus a piddling fleck to a greater extent than on bugs equally good equally numbers, rhyming words, together with uncomplicated math activities. Here are a few of the activities together with crafts nosotros are going to last trying out...

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