
Happy Deed Together With Groove Alongside Your Kids {A Xxx Twenty-Four Lx Minutes Menstruum Challenge}

Parenting is exhausting. Sometimes I experience similar I've run a marathon yesteryear the terminate of the day... in addition to soundless ofttimes I haven't actually done that much displace at all {unless you lot count how ofttimes I'm moving chocolate into my mouth, right? :)}.

Lately I've been feeling similar a slug because I haven't been getting plenty slumber or exercise. I seriously believe that you lot are to a greater extent than tired when you lot don't exercise... in addition to then I ask to acquire moving more! 

Over the adjacent thirty days I am issuing a challenge to myself to move in addition to groove to a greater extent than amongst my kids.

I'd dearest for you lot to bring together inwards too. 

I'm challenging myself to displace for at to the lowest degree thirty minutes each 24-hour interval with my kids. 

I'll survive moving without them too... but that's for a dissimilar weblog post.

There are loads of fun ways to acquire acre moving in addition to grooving every bit good every bit but beingness dizzy and/or creative. I conception to part a lot of ideas amongst you lot over the adjacent few weeks. thirty minutes is but the minimum too... I accept a feeling we'll survive moving a lot to a greater extent than than that... but I'm starting amongst a destination that I know volition survive do-able. 

So, volition you lot bring together inwards too?

Here's how to acquire started...

1. Leave a comment letting me know that you lot are joining our Move in addition to Groove amongst Your Kids Challenge {February 26th-March 27th}.

2. Come dorsum adjacent Mon in addition to log the release of days from this calendar week where you lot managed to displace in addition to groove for at to the lowest degree thirty minutes each day... or more. There volition survive a Google cast for you lot to role to log your numbers. Subscribe to our posts via e-mail or RSS inwards the sidebar or bring together our Toddler Approved Facebook page (if you lot haven't already), in addition to then that you lot don't immature lady whatever of our challenge announcements! 

3. Grab a Move in addition to Groove push clitoris in addition to stick it on your weblog sidebar (if you lot are a blogger).


4. Post on your blog, Facebook page, or whatever all almost how you're planning to displace in addition to groove amongst your kids in addition to part the links here! Or but part your favorite ways to displace amongst your kids inwards the comments on this post!

Here are some of our favorite Toddler Approved displace activities to acquire you lot going...

Parent Teach Play also shares 80+ Gross Motor Skills Activities that your kids volition love {that you lot volition accept fun doing too!}

I can't expect to acquire started moving to a greater extent than today! 

We accept a identify unit of measurement jogging lodge that we'll survive sharing amongst you lot on Midweek that I am actually excited about!

What are the favorite ways to displace inwards your family?

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