
Happy Bullying- No 1 Is Immune {Say No To Bullying Pledge & Giveaway}

This postal service is sponsored past times TakePart

As a mom of three, I oftentimes await at my kids in addition to wonder who they volition become.

Will they hold upwards kind? Will they hold upwards honest? Will they brand proficient choices when I am non to a greater extent than or less to remind them?

Will people hold upwards hateful to them? Will they stand upwards past times in addition to sentry every bit their friends are treated unkindly? Will they stick upwards for their friends? Will their sweetness personalities hold upwards squashed every bit they perish out into the globe that is sometimes filled amongst hateful people?

I don't know the answers to these questions... but I worry nearly them a lot.

I cause got thought a lot nearly this postal service this calendar week in addition to how of import this theme is... peculiarly for parents in addition to educators of petty ones. Prevention tin brand a large difference.

The Definition of bullying is the aggressive in addition to repetitive imbalance of ability used past times ane soul to command another.

Bullying tin hold upwards verbal, physical, in addition to social. 

Bullying tin hold upwards seen inwards homes, schools, friendships/social groups, inwards churches, on the internet, etc.

No ane is immune... fifty-fifty petty children.

Little children are weak in addition to vulnerable, which makes them an slow target. We demand to protect them in addition to learn them to protect ane another.

Why practice kids groovy other kids? 

  • Bullying tin experience proficient in addition to brand kids experience powerful.
  • Bullying tin hold upwards a agency to limited emotions or words that kids don't know how to communicate.
  • Bullying tin brand kids experience accepted or purpose of things.

My v twelvemonth erstwhile boy has been bullied to a greater extent than than once. The saddest incident occurred at a neighborhood commons where he was repeatedly called names over in addition to over ane time again past times a man child that was older than he was. The man child also threw sand at him. I was distracted past times my toddler in addition to missed the interaction since it happened quickly. My v twelvemonth erstwhile moisture his pants during the stressful interaction amongst this older kid in addition to came running over to permit me know that he needed novel clothes. He never mentioned the hateful words or the sand... in addition to then nosotros but packed upwards in addition to went home. He was rattling upset on in addition to off throughout the even out in addition to I had no thought why in addition to he wouldn't nation me. Later that nighttime my married adult man sat downwards to play amongst him for awhile in addition to acre they played in addition to talked my boy brought the province of affairs upwards in addition to told his dad nearly it.

He but sobbed in addition to sobbed. He didn't sympathise why anyone would hold upwards in addition to then mean... in addition to he said in that place were other kids joining inwards too.

I felt in addition to then sad. 

I desire him to hold upwards surrounded past times people who uplift him in addition to encourage him to hold upwards a meliorate version of himself. I don't desire him to a greater extent than or less people that tear him down.

I've thought a lot nearly this theme in addition to elementary things nosotros tin do. Over the side past times side calendar week or in addition to then I cause got several posts I desire to portion amongst yous based on this theme of bullying... but for today I wanted to portion four elementary things yous tin practice similar a shot to aid forestall your kid from beingness bullied. These aren't the solely ways, but they are a great identify to start.

4 Tips for Preventing Bullying

Teach them to conduct proficient friends. 

Help them uncovering friends that celebrate them in addition to their talents. Having a network of proficient friends who are supportive in addition to thoughtful volition brand them less probable to conduct to pass fourth dimension amongst kids who pose them down.

Encourage them to hold upwards involved in addition to larn novel things.

Children who are involved inwards activities that they dear volition brand novel friends amongst similar interests. They volition cause got fun in addition to gain confidence which volition protect them from bullying.  

Teach them to hold upwards proficient friends in addition to back upwards their friends.

Children tin hold upwards taught proficient friendship skills from early on ages. We pass fourth dimension doing variety things for friends, supporting them inwards their activities, in addition to discovering their talents. By focusing on being a proficient friend, kids railroad train lifelong friendships. These friendships tin protect them from bullying.

Teach kids to process all people amongst honour in addition to kindness.

Kids are e'er watching adults. We tin learn kids to hold upwards variety in addition to respectful through our examples. We tin also learn kids to stick upwards for their friends (and others) in addition to acquire aid if they demand it. By instruction them that all people are of import in addition to deserve honour in addition to kindness, they volition larn that no ane deserves to hold upwards bullied in addition to they volition hopefully achieve out in addition to aid if they come across someone beingness treated unkindly.

Bullying needs to stop. I desire to challenge yous to educate your kids nearly bullying in addition to showtime similar a shot to aid forestall it.

Have yous ever been bullied?
Has your child?
What other strategies cause got yous used to aid forestall bullying?

You tin uncovering to a greater extent than resources at Stop Bullying.

Disclaimer: This postal service contains affiliate links. This postal service was sponsored by TakePart but all the opinions expressed inwards this postal service are mine. I was compensated for participation inwards this campaign. Thank yous in addition to then much for supporting my weblog in addition to the occasional sponsors that I locomote with.

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