
Happy Surprise Coloring Mixing Midpoint Arts And Crafts For Preschoolers

This calendar month nosotros are spotlighting books past times Ellen Stoll Walsh every bit business office of our January Virtual Book Club for Kids!

We dearest the mass Mouse Paint past times Ellen Stoll Walsh thus nosotros decided to practise a colorful see mouse arts and crafts to larn along amongst the book. This arts and crafts teaches kids almost mixing colors in addition to creates a fun surprise game to play amongst friends too!

We also dearest how this action incorporates hearts since nosotros are getting excited to commencement doing Valentine's Day crafts.

This arts and crafts is for preschoolers although toddlers tin definitely practise it in addition to convey fun. As y'all read through the instructions I'll portion some tips for making this function amongst toddlers.

Materials Needed:

  • white cardstock cutting into hearts (3 hearts)
  • blue, red, in addition to yellowish paint
  • scissors
  • pink cardstock cutting into tiny hearts (6 hearts)
  • sponges (or paintbrushes)
  • a re-create of Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh
  • tape/glue
  • yarn
  • black marker
  • plates to mix pigment on


To larn started y'all desire to pigment the forepart of each see amongst 2 of the brain colors mentioned inward Mouse Paint. As nosotros read through the mass nosotros painted our hearts. 

One see volition live on one-half yellowish in addition to one-half red. One volition live on one-half yellowish in addition to one-half blue. One volition live on one-half scarlet in addition to one-half blue.

Once all of the fronts of the hearts are dry out in addition to thus you'll desire to mix the colors together to practise the dorsum color.

For example, the see that is one-half yellowish in addition to scarlet volition larn the colors mixed together on the dorsum to brand orange!

Once the backs of each see are dry out y'all tin plication them to commencement creating your lilliputian mice.

Make certain that your mice present the brain colors on the move past times in addition to drive in addition to enshroud the mixed within colors every bit much every bit they tin :)

If y'all are ikon amongst a toddler brand certain y'all purpose painter's record to department off whatever surface area on your newspaper if y'all alone desire pigment on a specific section.

Use markers to add together eyes in addition to a olfactory organ in addition to and thus stick on mini pinkish hearts for ears. Lastly you'll desire to record on some yarn for tails. 

Once your mice are created y'all are gear upwards to play our Color Mixing Guessing Game!

To play y'all postulate to present your tike the forepart of i mouse (primary colors side up). Tell your tike to drive in addition to approximate what color volition live on made when the 2 brain colors are mixed together!

Once your tike has made a guess, flip over the mouse in addition to banking enterprise tally out it's belly. 

You may live on surprised to come across what the response is!

We idea this was a fun agency to utter almost colors in addition to color mixing.

First nosotros painted the mice in addition to and thus mixed the brain colors together to brand novel colors. This was a non bad agency to give kids hands-on sense amongst mixing colors!

Next nosotros played our approximate the color mixing game i time again in addition to i time again in addition to past times the destination my missy had memorized which brain colors mixed together to brand other colors. This game is also fun to play amongst younger friends.

The kids also merely had fun making their lilliputian mice crafts run to a greater extent than or less in addition to pretend to swallow things. 

Have y'all e'er read Mouse Paint or whatever other books past times Ellen Stoll Walsh? We dearest them!

Make certain y'all caput on over to our Virtual Book Club Facebook page to banking enterprise tally out the other activities that volition live on shared today.

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