
Happy Slumber Tips & Big Dreams, Serious Slumber Giveaway Amongst Marpac!

This post is sponsored yesteryear Marpac, makers of the Dohmie Serious Sleep Baby Bundle.

Sleep is something I dream well-nigh on a daily basis. 

I similar to rest upward tardily as well as travel productive as well as my kiddos similar to wake upward during the nighttime as well as and hence acquire upward early... hence that agency that I don't acquire much slumber these days.

How exercise your kids sleep? Do you lot daydream well-nigh getting to a greater extent than slumber too?

I am constantly on the await out for ideas to assist acquire my kids to slumber on time, rest asleep, slumber inwards their beds, seat themselves dorsum to slumber if they wake up, autumn dorsum asleep if they direct maintain nightmares, as well as and hence of course of written report slumber inwards longer inwards the morning.

It depends on the nighttime of course, but hence far I haven't had much luck finding the perfect solution to acquire the sort of slumber I want... or my kids need. According to my friends amongst older kids... I mightiness never genuinely slumber 1 time again until my kids acquire out for college... as well as and hence fifty-fifty then, I mightiness travel upward worrying well-nigh them.

Fortunately nosotros direct maintain figured out a few things...

Here are half dozen slumber tips that have worked for our identify unit of measurement hence far... 

  • We continue a pretty consistent bedtime routine as well as slumber schedule during the day. The actual fourth dimension the calorie-free goes out tin vary yesteryear 15-20 minutes, but the routine earlier bed is the same every nighttime equally is the naptime schedule.

Our bedtime schedule includes, making certain rooms are picked up, teeth are brushed, pajamas are on, kids become to the bath as well as acquire a drink, stories are read, prayers are said, as well as and hence hugs as well as kisses are given earlier the calorie-free flips off. Sometimes nosotros fifty-fifty role our chore sticks to assist the kids rest organized.

  • We role a white racket car for our kids who demand it (like the Dohmie Serious Sleep Baby Bundle). My 5-year-old is a huge fan of white racket as well as has a difficult fourth dimension non having his fan going at night. He falls asleep much quicker as well as stays asleep longer when nosotros direct maintain white racket on. My 3-year-old has never used white noise, but she has struggled amongst sleeping for the yesteryear year, hence nosotros may travel trying the Dohm with her next. My 1-year-old loves white racket and I exercise also since his 2 older siblings tin travel SO LOUD when he is sleeping.

Up until of late we've ever used fans inwards our kid's rooms because we've never had a white racket machine. We've had friends who role iPods amongst white racket sounds on them, but nosotros don't direct maintain extra iPods roughly that we've wanted to role for our kids... hence we've simply had loud bedrooms that audio similar air current tunnels. We direct maintain been loving our Dohm because it is small, tin travel onrush a dresser (up high away from kids), is a fleck quieter as well as is less windy, but soundless does a peachy project masking sound.

With our younger kids they simply to a greater extent than frequently than non become correct to bed, other than a few extra drinks that the 3-year-old needs sometimes. My 5-year-old sometimes stays upward reading or footling amongst toys, but volition seat himself to slumber every nighttime immediately that we've ended the bedtime ability cope amongst him. 

  • We swaddle our babies as well as role slumber sacks for our toddlers. They are hence cozy! I wishing they made them for adults.

Oh man child it certain is obvious at bedtime if those attending baskets haven't been filled!! If solely I remembered this tip every day... I think it would brand bedtime hence much easier. On the nights that my 3-year-old immature lady wants 10 extra hugs as well as comes out 1 time again as well as again, I hope myself that I volition pass to a greater extent than fourth dimension beingness acquaint amongst her the next twenty-four hours hence that her attending handbasket is filled!

  • We encourage the role of a safety object such equally a blanket or stuffed animate beingness for our kids who seem to demand one.

My boy sleeps amongst his Darth Vader Lego clock (on his bed... he doesn't cuddle amongst it), my immature lady sleeps amongst iii stuffed dogs that each direct maintain a real specific seat inwards bed, as well as the infant sleeps amongst a cuddly domestic dog as well as his cozy white blanket. I never wanted to travel the mom who was running roughly at bedtime trying to notice the correct stuffed animate beingness hence that hence as well as hence could become to sleep... but I totally am. With my immature lady I've tried to vary upward the animals a fleck hence that she likes several of them... simply inwards example 1 goes missing. So far that has worked. :) 

My littlest guy is inwards beloved amongst this cozy cotton wool white blanket a friend handmade for us. Love it! I demand 1 inwards my size.

  • We direct maintain turns equally parents getting upward inwards the nighttime to assist amongst kids as well as nosotros also direct maintain turns sleeping inwards on the weekends.

My hubby as well as I essay our best to back upward each other to brand certain nosotros both acquire the slumber nosotros need... which is hard! We typically direct maintain turns sleeping inwards on the weekends piece the other 1 gets upward early on amongst the kids as well as tries to continue them quiet(ish) as well as occupied... as well as and hence nosotros switch the side yesteryear side twenty-four hours or side yesteryear side weekend. We also direct maintain turns taking naps if nosotros are genuinely feeling slumber deprived on the weekend. It makes such a divergence to operate together equally a team!

Alright, hence immediately I desire your tips! What industrial plant for you lot to assist your kids slumber through the night, acquire to bed on time, seat themselves dorsum to slumber when they wake up, etc.? 

Do you lot daydream well-nigh slumber similar I do? How exercise you lot rest sane on little sleep?

Marpac non solely wants parents as well as kids to acquire serious sleep... they also desire us to part our BIG DREAMS for our kids (which are hopefully to a greater extent than than simply sleeping through the night)! Join inwards amongst Marpac's Serious Sleep Olympics photograph rival on Facebook as well as come inwards to win some cool prizes. Click hither to larn more.

Here are a few to a greater extent than details well-nigh the Dohmie Serious Sleep Baby Bundle...

Marpac wants to give ONE Toddler Approved reader the chance to win their own Dohmie Serious Sleep Baby Bundle (valued at $50)! Read below for to a greater extent than details.

The Dohmie Serious Sleep Baby Bundle includes the next items:

  • Dohm audio conditioner
  • "Buddy the Bee Finds His Zs" storybook
  • Sleep 101 publication from the NSF

Here's what nosotros similar well-nigh the Dohm audio conditioner:

  • It is decently modest (7.5 x 7.4 x 4.0) as well as weighs 2.3 lbs.
  • It rests easily on a dresser as well as is white hence it doesn't stand upward out also much as well as distract from other room decorations. It also isn't also colorful as well as fun looking, hence my kids don't essay as well as play amongst it... which is great!
  • It is genuinely slowly to use. All you lot exercise is plug it inwards as well as press upward for less audio as well as downwards for to a greater extent than sound. EASY! This is perfect for non-techie people similar me.
  • It comes amongst a 1-year express warranty; 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
  • Every fourth dimension nosotros plough it on my 1-year-old giggles. He loves the racket as well as it is a peachy dot for him that it is fourth dimension to select grip of his stuffed doggie as well as become to sleep.
  • It is portable. We tin easily motion it roughly the trouble solid or throw it inwards a handbag to direct maintain amongst us somewhere.

Giveaway Entry Requirements:

  • Make certain to fill upward inwards the rafflecopter giveaway entry below as well as consummate the mandatory electronic mail entry.
  • You tin have upward to vii entries yesteryear completing all of the tasks mentioned inwards the rafflecopter below. 

Entry Guidelines:

  • This giveaway is opened upward for entry from Tuesday, Feb 18th to Tuesday, Feb 25th at 12:00am (PST)
  • The winning entry volition travel drawn on Wednesday, Feb 26th. I volition notify the winner via email.
  • The winner volition demand to respond to me inside 72 hours of my email. If in that place is no response, a novel winner volition travel drawn.
  • See our Official Giveaway Rules for consummate guidelines. U.S.A. Residents only. No PO boxes.

Disclosure: This review as well as giveaway is sponsored by Marpac. I was compensated for the fourth dimension as well as endeavor I spent reviewing the production as well as hosting the giveaway. Compensation does non include a positive review. All opinions shared inwards this post are mine! You may non direct maintain the same opinions.

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