
Happy Alphabet Pillow Jumping

This active means to Move in addition to Learn is perfect if y'all bring kids that similar to bounce roughly your house. Our Alphabet Pillow Jumping activeness is a smashing means to kicking the bucket unloose energy out when petty kids are stuck indoors in addition to create some learning at the same time.

Materials Needed: newspaper plates, markers, packing tape, in addition to pillows.

The directions for creating an alphabet pillow jumping game are easy. Write alphabet letters on the newspaper plates. Then record the newspaper plates to the pillows using packing record in addition to spread pillows roughly the room.

Have the kids start on i side of the room in addition to endeavour in addition to bound to the other side... proverb each missive of the alphabet cite equally they jump. For older kids y'all tin bring them tell the missive of the alphabet sounds besides or a give-and-take that starts amongst each missive of the alphabet piece they jump.

We played this game amongst my 3-year-old in addition to 5-year-old. The kids took turns jumping in addition to trying to rest on the pillows in addition to non behavior on the 'lava" underneath the pillows.

The newspaper plates volition kicking the bucket crinkled upward a bit, only ours didn't actually displace off the pillows. 

I tried to role the letters inwards my 3-year-old's cite for our get-go circular in addition to hence that she would last familiar amongst some of the letters. 

The kids loved this alphabet activity... in addition to and hence did I. It was in addition to hence simple!

Do y'all honey uncomplicated alphabet activities? Here are a few of our other favorites...

Stop dorsum on Th to grab some other Move & Learn post!

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