
Happy Slowly Cardboard Olympic Telephone Puzzle For Toddlers

Oh man child accept nosotros been bitten past times the Olympic bug! We accept been having thus much fun doing elementary Olympic themed activities this calendar week equally utilisation of our A Very Toddler Olympics series. We dear finding elementary activities that are quick to prepare. Yesterday nosotros shared pool noodle hockey as well as Jenae shared a Olympic rings bracelet made out of straw.

Today nosotros are sharing an slow cardboard olympic telephone puzzle. This puzzle helps kids exercise matching colors as well as is the perfect size for niggling hands.


  • Colored sharpies (red, blue, black, yellow, green)
  • pieces of cardboard
  • cup
  • scissors
  • larger easel paper
  • pencil
  • painters tape


To become started yous desire to cutting out v squares or rectangles out of cardboard. Make certain that each slice of cardboard is the same size.

Next, utilisation the Sharpies as well as a loving cup to depict a colored circle onto each slice of cardboard. 

Next outline the squares/rectangles alongside a dark sharpie as well as depict circles onto the easel paper. Make certain yous seat the rings on the large newspaper inwards Olympic telephone order.

Once yous accept colored rings on your cardboard as well as colored rings on your white newspaper as well as thus yous are produce to play alongside the puzzle!!

My kids had fun taking turns matching the cardboard rings onto the white newspaper rings. We talked most the unlike colors equally well.

Matching is such a cracking means to run on visual discrimination alongside kids.

If yous desire to hold upwards a niggling fancier yous could fifty-fifty endeavor making a felt Olympic rings puzzle. It is a niggling flake to a greater extent than durable.

This elementary Olympic telephone puzzle is cracking for niggling ones because the cardboard is slow to suitcase as well as motion around. 

To brand this puzzle a niggling flake harder yous could depict the rings intertwined on a large slice of cardboard as well as and thus cutting them out. I loved watching how the kids worked together to brand this puzzle!

Do yous innovation to sentinel the Olympics?

Make certain yous caput over to I Can Teach my Child to banking corporation check out Jenae's Olympic Clothespin Relay.

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