
Happy Puddle Noodle Hockey For Kids

This calendar week my large kids are off at an Olympic themed summertime campsite in addition to I am having a boom hosting our ain toddler Olympics alongside my toddler. Each hateful solar daytime this calendar week nosotros volition partnering alongside Jenae at I Can Teach My Child to portion unproblematic in addition to fun A Very Toddler Olympics series.

I grew upwards on the East Coast in addition to my twin sis played plain hockey! I was in addition to thus excited a few years agone when I discovered that plain hockey was played inwards the Olympics. This calendar week I decided to usage a unproblematic puddle noodle hockey game to play alongside my kids for our Olympics series.

Did you lot know that Hockey is the oldest known ball in addition to stick game?

During the Summer Olympics in that place are mens in addition to womens plain hockey teams. They play alongside a stick that has a shepherd's crook on it in addition to hitting a small-scale ball.  

For our puddle noodle hockey game I created goals in addition to sticks using puddle noodles. Scroll downwards for to a greater extent than details.


  • fat puddle noodle
  • knife
  • two sparse long puddle noodles
  • large ball
  • 4 lawn stakes


Set upwards is super easy! Start past times putting ii yard stakes inwards the dry reason virtually 2ft away from i another. Put them inwards the dry reason deep plenty to remain exactly larn out them high plenty out of the dry reason that several inches are visible.

Arch i puddle noodle from i yard stake to the other in addition to sideslip the yard stakes into the centers of the puddle noodle ends. The puddle noodle should brand an arch in addition to remain pretty secure, unless it is super windy. Repeat alongside some other puddle noodle perhaps 10-15 ft away (depending on how large of a plain you lot want).

Next, cutting the fatty puddle noodle inwards one-half lengthwise. The cutting side of the puddle noodle is a chip easier to concord on to in addition to it is easier to hitting balls alongside the fatty puddle noodle pieces. 

Now you lot are develop to play!


We made small-scale teams of i in addition to worked difficult to larn the ball inwards the other destination earlier it was stolen! Using the puddle noodle one-half nosotros hitting the large ball in i lawsuit again in addition to again. My boy was in addition to thus proud of himself in i lawsuit he figured out how to "dribble" the ball upwards the plain using his puddle noodle. 

It is fun to larn the entire trunk into puddle noodle hockey, which was why nosotros laid some dry reason rules to laid about with. We encouraged kids to hold out along their sticks on the dry reason or approximately it when they were hitting the ball (no high sticking) in addition to to hold out along their bodies to themselves (no fouls)!

This activeness is neat for working on hand-eye coordination, aiming, swinging, in addition to working together.

Hockey is a fun fast-paced game in addition to I can't await to scout it during the 2016 Rio Olympics!!

Do you lot get got a favorite Olympic sport that you lot can't await to watch?

Make certain you lot caput over to I Can Teach my Child to banking venture fit out Jenae's Olympic Ring bracelet.

You tin discovery all of our A Very Toddler Olympics serial activities HERE.

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