
Happy Panda Deport Puppet Craft

Welcome to Zoo Week! Yesterday nosotros shared zoo animate existence tabular array salt painting in addition to today nosotros are creating puppets! We fifty-fifty used ii cool tools to practise our pandas. Any ideas what they were?

Have you lot guessed yet?

For our mo 24-hour interval of Zoo Week nosotros decided to read Eric Carle's Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? and in addition to hence nosotros persuasion it would live fun to brand some panda puppets. My immature adult woman establish a neglected puddle noodle inwards our backyard in addition to nosotros cutting it upwardly in addition to got started!

Here's what you'll bespeak to brand your ain panda puppet:

  • craft stick
  • tape
  • pool noodle (cut into picayune slices)
  • white cardstock
  • scissors
  • black marker
  • googly eyes
  • glue
  • black paint
  • plastic cup

Here's how to brand your panda puppet:

First, commencement past times putting some dark pigment on a plate. Next you'll desire to dip the rim of your plastic loving cup inwards the pigment in addition to and hence press the loving cup onto the newspaper to practise a large circle. That volition live the panda bear's head.

Next, cutting a puddle noodle inwards one-half in addition to purpose i one-half to brand panda comport ears. You sort of desire to pinch the edges together to brand them impress inwards a "u" shape.

Once you've got the base of operations of the panda bear, dip your pollex into the dark pigment to brand ii eyes in addition to and hence purpose the rattling tip of your pollex to brand a nose. Add a rima oris amongst a dark marking in addition to and hence permit the pigment dry.

Once the pigment is all dry, cutting unopen to the panda bear's caput in addition to record it to a arts and crafts stick. 

Now you lot are railroad train to practise your ain stories featuring some cute pandas!!

Ways to include younger toddlers:

This was a naptime action I did amongst my 3 twelvemonth old, piece my twenty calendar month quondam was sleeping. If he'd been awake, he would've spent his fourth dimension only exploring the puddle noodles in addition to cups in addition to paint. Paint would've been all over the house in addition to all over him, but he would've had a blast. 

Danya Banya also has a super cute Paper Plate Panda threading activity to own if your kids desire to drib dead along having fun amongst pandas.

Do you lot convey whatever other favorite zoo themed crafts or activities or books you lot could portion amongst us? 

Head on over to our Zoo Week landing page to run into the other activities every bit nosotros portion them this week. You tin also follow my Going to the Zoo pinterest board for to a greater extent than ideas too.

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