
Happy Construct A Photograph Christmas Tree For Babies & Toddlers

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I am actually excited to endure participating inwards a Christmas Sensory Play serial this vacation flavor amongst several wonderful in addition to creative friends! Each calendar week we'll endure sharing unlike vacation activities using our senses!

This calendar week nosotros are using our feel of sight to construct a beautiful in addition to colorful photograph Christmas tree for babies in addition to toddlers! 

This photograph Christmas tree activeness is a fun agency to speak close your favorite work solid unit of measurement Christmas traditions in addition to fifty-fifty aid babies acquire work solid unit of measurement member's names. We built a photo garden concluding Spring that was also a hitting amongst our niggling one! Often I uncovering that I set Christmas pictures on Instagram or Facebook exactly I forget to impress them out in addition to hang them upwardly for my kids to see. Kids tin sack movement the photos around, present you lot their favorite activities, in addition to you lot tin sack fifty-fifty role this photograph tree equally you lot innovation your upcoming vacation activities for this season. Photos are such a groovy agency to aid niggling ones construct vocabulary in addition to linguistic communication skills too. I was amazed how many novel words nosotros introduced to my toddler equally nosotros played amongst our tree!

Materials Needed:

  • Photos printed on photograph paper 
  • circle punch (we accept a 3.5 inch ane to brand our circles extra big)
  • green poster board
  • scissors
  • brown in addition to yellowish paper
  • velcro
  • laminating sheets or contact paper
  • laminator (optional)
  • tape (heavy duty record that you lot tin sack stick on the wall)


To become started you lot involve to impress out your photos in addition to role a circle punch (or scissors) to cutting them into circular shapes hence that they await similar ornaments.

After than you lot desire to laminate the photos since they'll endure touched a lot past times niggling fingers in addition to you lot don't desire them to become ripped correct away!

While the circles are beingness laminated, cutting out a Christmas tree from posterboard. Add a star in addition to a tree torso using some cardstock in addition to record it into place.

Once the circles are laminated, cutting closed to them. Then you'll desire to add together velcro pieces to the christmas tree in addition to to your photograph ornaments hence that they'll stick to ane another.

After all of the ornaments accept velcro on them you lot are ready to develop your Christmas tree hence that kids tin sack play in addition to explore their feel of SIGHT equally they await at all of the colorful photos!

My kids loved working together to get together the tree in addition to movement the photograph ornaments around. My oldest (age 6) had fun telling my youngest (age 2) all close the unlike things that were happening inwards each photograph since the toddler was exclusively ane concluding twelvemonth in addition to doesn't recall much close Christmas!

My kids enjoyed savoring the photos of their favorite holidays treats in addition to plotting which ones they desire to brand this year. I intend my hubby already agreed to brand their favorite candy cane cookies amongst them afterwards today!

Once the kids were done hanging all of the photograph ornaments hence they would describe them downward ane time again in addition to set them dorsum upwardly inwards unlike places! I specially loved looking at photos when each of the kids were super pocket-size in addition to tiny closed to Christmas time. The activeness brought dorsum hence many fun memories!

Check out these additional Christmas sensory play activities from our creative friends...

Throughout the side past times side several weeks we'll endure bringing you lot a SeeHearTouchTasteSmell Christmas Sensory play series, featuring creative activities that aid children to explore the flavor using their senses. This week’s activities are all focused on using our feel of SIGHT. Here are several of the other activities shared this week!

Cathy at NurtureStore has an awesome colorful Sensory Christmas Tree Craft.

Kate at Picklebums has some printable Christmas glasses you tin sack explore Christmas photos or favorite vacation sights with.

Christie at Childhood 101 has a printable Christmas charades game for you lot to play together equally a family.

Ana at Babble Dabble Do has some cool Christmas optical illusions which challenge children to intend close what they intend they tin sack see.

Meri at Meri Cherry shares some neat DIY Santa binoculars hence you lot tin sack endure on the await out for Santa.

Do you lot accept whatsoever favorite Christmas activities you've tried using your feel of sight? I'd dear you lot to part them amongst me!

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