
Happy Christmas Tree Advent Puzzle & Awesome Dvds For Kids {Toddler Approved Vacation Gift Ask & Giveaway}

This post as well as giveaway is sponsored past times NCircle Entertainment. This post also contains Amazon Affiliate links. 

One of the things that our line solid unit of measurement loves to create over the holidays is lookout adult man movies. We don't lookout adult man tons as well as tons during the regular year, but during Dec nosotros love to cuddle upwards on couches, direct handgrip of hot cocoa as well as treats, as well as lookout adult man our favorite one-time (and new) movies.

We also love to give DVDs every bit gifts to our kids as well as to line solid unit of measurement members as well as friends.

Today's featured gift guide is filled alongside a few awesome DVDs that we've been enjoying at our line solid lately (and a few others that we've shared earlier or enjoyed inward the past)! 

Scroll downward to banking enterprise check out our DVD giveaway as well as Mike the Knight inspired Christmas Tree Advent Puzzle.

The DVDs featured inward a higher identify are ones that direct keep been enjoyed past times my almost 3-year-old as well as my 5-year-old. You tin click on the links below to larn to a greater extent than well-nigh the DVDs or read our quick thoughts below each link. 

Octonauts: Here Come the Octonauts! 

My kids genuinely bask watching the Octonauts as well as squall back the characters are a hoot. I similar that they larn cool things well-nigh body of body of water animals, habitats, as well as lessons well-nigh beingness skilful friends, working together, as well as helping others. This video has 6 activeness packed adventures as well as correct straightaway it is beingness sold entirely at Toys R Us until its unloose inward January.

Octonauts acquire us all excited well-nigh the ocean. We direct keep 11 body of body of water themed activities & crafts that acquire kids learning as well as creating if y'all desire to dive inward a fleck deeper later on watching this movie.

Yo Gabba Gabba Christmas

We direct keep watched Yo Gabba Gabba since my boy was well-nigh eighteen months one-time (he is straightaway almost 6). Honestly, my married adult man likes it but every bit much every bit my boy does. The songs are goofy, instruct groovy lessons well-nigh sharing/giving as well as making novel friends... as well as the characters are pretty rad. We fifty-fifty direct keep a few Yo Gabba Gabba stuffed animals at our line solid because they are loved thus much. This DVD has ii episodes as well as features Santa every bit a special guest!

We are ever looking for novel resources to assist us brand friends as well as locomote meliorate friends. Here are some tips for having a successful playtime alongside friends over the holidays. You may fifty-fifty desire to heart assail a friend this vacation flavor as well as exhibit them how grateful y'all are for them!

Mike's Christmas Surprise

We featured Mike the Knight: Knight inward Training over the summertime as well as were excited that this novel vacation DVD but came out!! This video is 1 that the kids inquire to lookout adult man daily... if non hourly. Mike has to operate super difficult to assist salve the 24-hour interval when their line solid unit of measurement game turns into an direct chances they demand to escape. We had thus much fun alongside Mike the Knight that nosotros fifty-fifty direct keep a special activity to part alongside y'all inward this post inspired past times the movie! SCROLL DOWN to banking enterprise check it out. We'll also direct keep some other 1 side past times side calendar week to part alongside you. 

You tin impress off a Mike the Knight Coloring page from NCircle's FB page if your shaver wants something fun to create spell watching movie.

Sid's Pet Project

Sid the Science Kid is a dearest show. Sid is ever trying to figure out how things operate as well as larn novel things. We genuinely bask watching his adventures as well as learning from them. My miss is obsessed alongside animals... specially dogs, thus she genuinely enjoyed watching Sid larn to accept attention of his Grandma's Canis familiaris (while also trying to convince me nosotros demand a dog). Sid's Pet projection volition locomote released on Dec third though you tin pre-order it now.

If your shaver loves puppies, they may also bask trying out these dog activities & crafts. My favorite ones is the Canis familiaris hat.

The Cat inward the Hat Knows H5N1 Lot About Christmas

The Cat inward the Hat ever goes on the craziest adventures. We are ever looking for novel movies to lookout adult man over the holidays to acquire us inward a Christmasy spirit. I was thus excited to add together this 1 to our collection this year! We direct keep a lot of disagreements over movies at our line solid (my boy thinks he is likewise cool for some of the ones my miss likes), but both my kiddos enjoyed this one. 

If y'all desire to travail some Christmasy activities earlier or later on y'all watch, y'all may bask making some of these 10 uncomplicated homemade Christmas ornaments

The Gruffalo's Child

We've shared our love of The Gruffalo as well as The Gruffalo's Child alongside y'all before. I love the wintery backdrop of The Gruffalo's Child, thus I squall back it is some other perfect moving painting for Dec as well as January. You tin purchase The Gruffalo as well as The Gruffalo's Child inward a set or separate. I personally recommend buying the books past times Julia Donaldson along alongside the DVDs. The images are gorgeous as well as the characters are endearing. 

I direct keep loads of Gruffalo activity ideas if y'all desire to travail some earlier or later on y'all lookout adult man the movie.   

Alright... thus sometimes later on nosotros lookout adult man a movie... I but desire to lookout adult man some other 1 (like terminal calendar week when nosotros were all sick as well as super tired). Normally though nosotros are inspired past times the movies that nosotros lookout adult man as well as 1 time they are done my kiddos are raring to acquire create or re-enact business office of the story. 

After nosotros watched Mike's Christmas Surprise, my kids as well as I wanted to brand our ain adventure! Mike as well as his line solid unit of measurement played a game inward the moving painting as well as magically works life themselves trapped within it! They solved their employment as well as did a puzzle along the way. Inspired past times MTK, nosotros decided to create our ain puzzle!

Our Christmas Tree Advent Puzzle tin locomote used inward 3 ways. 

1. Number Scavenger Hunt

2. Number Puzzle

3. Advent Calendar

You tin pick out how y'all desire to role it... but I am going to origin exhibit y'all how nosotros made it!

Supplies Needed:

  • scissors
  • colored cardstock
  • green masking tape/painters tape
  • marker
  • laminating sheets (optional)


First I created a giant tree alongside greenish record on our floor. You tin create this on rug or wood/tile. 

Then I set out cardstock inward patterns on plough over of the tree as well as drew lines as well as cutting to brand the newspaper friction match within the tree outline. I wanted to brand 25 dissimilar pieces, thus I but played approximately alongside the newspaper as well as sizes until everything fit. 

Once all 25 pieces were cutting as well as labeled, I wrote an advent activity on the dorsum of each slice alongside a pen. The kids helped me brainstorm!

Here are 25 vacation activities that nosotros desire to travail as well as create earlier Christmas... we'll encounter if it happens. If not, oh well!

2. Make homemade Christmas ornaments
5. Decorate our shaver Christmas tree as well as our house
6. Read our favorite Christmas books
7. Make cinnamon or tabular array salt dough ornaments
9. Make a kid friendly nativity set
10. Make as well as deliver Peppermint Brownies to friends
14. Make as well as ship Christmas cards
15. Go encounter the vacation lights inward San Francisco
16. Host a cookie swap alongside friends
17. Go Christmas caroling
18. Make give thank y'all you treats for teachers!
20. Go as well as see family!
23. Go shopping for Christmas gifts for each other
24. Attend a Christmas concert
25. Dress upwards as well as re-enact the nascence story

Since it isn't Christmas yet, nosotros decided to laminate our puzzle thus that nosotros tin role it every bit a life sized advent calendar puzzle 1 time Dec arrives.

In the meantime, we've genuinely been enjoying hiding the release pieces approximately our house... hunting for them... as well as thus putting the Christmas Tree puzzle together 1 time nosotros detect them! 

My kids love numbers as well as this projection got them counting, ordering numbers, as well as working on their employment solving skills all at the same time. 

Once Dec hits, my innovation is to cover 1 slice a 24-hour interval as well as allow the kids detect it. Then we'll attach it to the tree alongside record as well as create our advent activity. I'll brand certain to read the advent activity ahead of fourth dimension thus that I tin locomote prepared for it! They are already genuinely excited.

Now that we've shared some awesome DVDs as well as activities alongside you, let's denote our super cool giveaway!!! 

One Toddler Approved reader volition win a DVD gift pack featuring all 6 of the DVDs shared inward a higher identify (and inward the picture below).  Keep reading to detect out how.

NCircle DVD Giveaway

You tin detect loads to a greater extent than cool giveaways as well as resources for kids over on NCircle's Facebook page. Keep an optic out for a big giveaway starting on Dec 1st! Click on over as well as press "LIKE" to remain inward the loop.

Giveaway Entry Requirements:

  • Make certain to create total inward the rafflecopter giveaway entry below as well as consummate the mandatory e-mail entry. Make certain to role an e-mail that y'all genuinely use... thus nosotros tin contact y'all when y'all win!
  • You tin acquire upwards to 8 entries past times completing all 8 tasks mentioned inward the rafflecopter shape below.

Entry Guidelines:

  • This giveaway is opened upwards for entry from Thursday, Nov 21st to Friday, Nov 29th at 12:00am (PST)
  • The winning entry volition locomote drawn on Friday, Nov 29th. I volition notify the winner via email.
  • The winner volition demand to respond to me within 72 hours of my email. If at that topographic point is no response, a novel winner volition locomote drawn.
  • See our Official Giveaway Rules for consummate guidelines. USA Residents only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make certain to banking enterprise check out our 2013 Toddler Approved Gift Guide page if y'all are looking for to a greater extent than ideas for your kids or friends! It volition proceed to locomote updated over the side past times side few weeks.

Disclosure: This post as well as giveaway are sponsored by NCircle Entertainment. All opinions inward this post are mine!

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