
Happy Weeschool: Smart App To Brand Parenting Easier In Addition To To A Greater Extent Than Fun

As a mom of four, I am terrible at keeping rail of milestones as well as recording of import moments. I am non bad at whipping out my telephone to snap photos of fundamental events... but if yous inquire me how onetime my youngest was when she started crawling or eating company food, I receive got no idea. I receive got also forgotten countless dizzy or particular moments but because I haven't written them down. I could scroll dorsum through all of my thousands of photos as well as abide by the appointment or try as well as jog my memory... but that could accept hours as well as hours!

My youngest precisely turned ONE a few agone as well as nosotros had thus much fun celebrating her. It has been a crazy busy twelvemonth as well as although I've had 3 other kids larn through this stage, I don't recall much! I intend I was also sleep-deprived!

Today I am excited to portion a piddling flake close what my one-year-old is upwardly to correct straightaway as well as tell yous close a helpful novel parenting resources called WeeSchool that is making my life a flake easier. If yous download the WeeSchool App yesteryear June 1st, yous tin dismiss register for free, lifetime access to all Premium WeeSchool content as well as features.

This shipping service is sponsored yesteryear WeeSchool. All opinions are my own.

Right straightaway a few of the things my one-year-old LOVES are...

  • taking off her shoes as well as pilus clippies as well as throwing them places (usually when I am non watching)
  • opening as well as closing doors as well as cupboards 
  • screeching at anyone who takes her toys away (or anything she thinks is hers that is inwards her proximity)
  • climbing upwardly as well as downwards the stairs 
  • walking around belongings 2 items inwards her hands (which makes it difficult when she falls!)
  • saying "uh oh!" spell throwing her nutrient off her high chair tray
  • digging through my travelling pocket to abide by whatever snacks that she shouldn't receive got as well as crunching them all over
  • climbing on as well as off her infant chairs over as well as over again
  • knocking over block towers as well as throwing toys downwards the stairs
  • looking for doggies as well as her dada

Each pocket-size fry is different, as well as dissimilar my other kids at this historic catamenia (who were less mobile as well as curious), my infant LOVES to delineate things out of cupboards as well as brand big messes! Yesterday my oldest miss decided to baby-proof the cupboards yesteryear taping all of the handles together thus that the infant couldn't opened upwardly anything! It was thus funny (and smart)!

I am non prepared for how speedily our youngest is moving through different stages as well as sometimes I am at a loss for how to back upwardly her curiosity. 

Recently I was introduced to WeeSchool, which has been helping brand life a piddling flake easier yesteryear reminding me what to facial expression from her at different stages as well as giving me unproblematic suggestions to assistance her live on successful as well as receive got fun! WeeSchool is an all-in-one smart parenting app, providing parents of kids ages 0-3 amongst everything they remove to back upwardly their wee one’s preschool readiness, every bit good every bit making parenting easier, to a greater extent than effective—and to a greater extent than enjoyable.

If yous download the WeeSchool App yesteryear June 1st, yous tin dismiss register for free, lifetime access to all Premium WeeSchool content as well as features.

After downloading the WeeSchool app as well as signing in, I tin dismiss larn access to all sorts of cool materials including...

  • a listing of milestones to facial expression correct straightaway (so helpful amongst agreement my littlest)
  • tips for how to back upwardly kids through those milestones
  • simple play plans for the month
  • book suggestions to larn along amongst the milestones
  • toy recommendations to larn along amongst the play plans
  • original videos, classic musical tunes, a catalog of master ebooks, as well as soundtracks as well as soundscapes to back upwardly play time, lav fourth dimension as well as bed time
  • a magazine that volition automatically file your monthly photos as well as milestone photos thus yous tin dismiss portion them amongst friends/family or export them as well as salve them

Recently my littlest accomplished standing steadily, thus I checked it off on our milestone nautical chart (see above). This calendar week I also read a piddling flake close self-help skills as well as loved the tips as well as curt video that showed me how I tin dismiss allow my piddling 1 operate on dressing skills. The tips receive got truly made getting my one-year-old dressed much less frustrating because she is "helping" as well as I am doing a amend chore communicating amongst her every bit well.


Day-to-day parenting tin dismiss live on awesome as well as exhausting at the same time. Having a few novel tricks or ideas to add together to my tool belt tin dismiss truly brand a departure on busy chaotic days or irksome slowly ones. We pass a lot of fourth dimension driving my older kids to activities as well as thus waiting around inwards the machine for them to finish. I beloved the WeeSchool videos, e-books, as well as classical tunes to enrich our afternoons spell nosotros are on the larn or when nosotros are hanging out at domicile spell my older kids practise homework. 

My miss loves to stand upwardly on my lap inwards the front end spot when nosotros are parked waiting to selection upwardly the big kids as well as stone out to music. The unproblematic tips inwards our 12-month Play Plan this calendar week made our trip the lite fantastic fourth dimension fifty-fifty to a greater extent than fun. 

Make your chore easier this calendar month as well as download the WeeSchool App. If yous download it yesteryear June 1st, yous tin dismiss register for free, lifetime access to all Premium WeeSchool content as well as features.

Want to run into it inwards action? Check out the video below for to a greater extent than WeeSchool App details as well as run into how this unproblematic app tin dismiss brand your life easier every bit a bring upwardly as well as allow yous receive got to a greater extent than fun amongst your piddling one!

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