
Happy Awesome Book-Themed Action Boxes For Kids!

School started nearly 3 weeks agone for my big kids in addition to betwixt Room mom meetings, operate deadlines, cleaning the house, laundry, soccer, etc., I am exhausted. My kids oft come upwardly abode from schoolhouse begging to practise some variety of projection or something fun together. Usually I shipping them off to their rooms to play or exterior to honour neighbors.  

Occasionally we'll sit down downwards in addition to practise some variety of game or arts and crafts or opened upwardly ended activity. I absolutely dearest having Ivy Kids subscription boxes for these moments when the kids don't create got an thought of what they desire to practise but they desire to practise something fun (and my inventiveness is zapped!)!

Ivy Kids action boxes are filled to the brim amongst majority inspired activities for kids! I'm excited to say y'all a fleck nearly them in addition to portion some of the details nearly the 3 boxes we've tried recently.

This shipping is sponsored past times Ivy Kids. All opinions are my own.


Ivy Kids kits are monthly children's subscription boxes for kids ages 3-8. You tin arrange some of the activities for older in addition to younger kids equally well. My 18-month-old had a smash amongst a few of the ideas nosotros adapted.

The kits focus on math, literacy, in addition to scientific discipline in addition to are a lot of fun!

Ivy Kids Kits brand it during the get-go calendar week of each calendar month in addition to each kit has a novel subject in addition to children's book. Here's a quick visual hence y'all tin regard how Ivy Kids Kits work.

source: Ivy Kids


Here's a sneak peek of what unboxing Ivy Kids Kits looks similar at our house! Lots of excitement!!

I am IN LOVE amongst the packaging for the Ivy Kids Kits... peculiarly the quick photograph overview of what is within each kit correct on the within of the box. 

Having a quick view of all of the activities (through pictures in addition to text) is SO EXCITING, peculiarly for my 4 yr one-time who can't read yet. He loves beingness able to regard what to expect!

Once our box arrives the kids simply scan the action ideas in addition to are able to scream for out i they desire to endeavor correct away!

Each box includes fun in addition to engaging educational activities developed past times certified early on childhood teachers. Games, materials, in addition to projects tin locomote played over again in addition to again. There are betwixt 12-15 activities included within each box in addition to they hit from games to fine art projects to scientific discipline experiments.
Everything that y'all ask to play is included inwards the kit. You don't create got to aspect around for mucilage or pigment or piping cleaners. It is all within hence that y'all tin channel your child's excitement in addition to acquire creating in addition to playing correct away!

Everything fits within the box too, hence i time you're done amongst i action y'all tin easily closed everything dorsum upwardly in addition to store it away until y'all are cook to endeavor some other one.

Each box also comes amongst a children's majority related to the subject of the box. These are great, good thought out, awesome majority choices (not inexpensive miserable character books). 



My kids were a fleck obsessed amongst this rocket/space themed kit inspired past times Roaring Rockets past times Tony Mitton.

The kit included the next activities summation the children's book:
  • a Moon & infinite exploration action (with model magic in addition to infinite toys)
  • painting a telescope
  • glow inwards the nighttime solar system
  • moon math game
  • collecting Moon rocks game
  • space shuttle mensuration activity
  • handprint rocket pigment project
  • mission to the Moon game
  • space exploration retentiveness game
  • rocket launch game
  • planet passport
  • astronaut photograph writing project
  • space exploration information cards
Here are a few pictures equally nosotros played in addition to explored.

We've solely made it through one-half of the activities. We've had hence much fun that nosotros decease along doing several of the games over again in addition to again.


My kids latterly watched Finding Dory in addition to are inwards LOVE amongst octopuses, hence this kit was amazing. We create got solely made it through 4 of the activities since the ones nosotros did practise nosotros are constantly redoing, peculiarly the octopus ink experiment.

The kit includes the majority Octopus Escapes Again past times Laurie Ellen Angus in addition to the next activities:

  • octopus mobile project
  • sticky vowel consonant game (with a gummy suction ball that my kids immediately accept everywhere)
  • octopus ink experiment (their favorite activity)
  • octopus arms game 
  • octopus escapes game
  • under the sea counting in addition to graphing
  • counting octopus suckers activity
  • prey vs predator game
  • make your ain octopus (with clay)
  • retelling the storey sensory bin
  • create your ain storey sticker scene
  • octopus challenge
  • draw an octopus
  • if I were an octopus activity

My kids retold the storey over again in addition to over again using their body of body of water animals in addition to a tub amongst H2O for days! The toddler had a smash dropping the animals into the H2O in addition to making them swim around piece my 4-year-old tried to practise a storey retelling.

We did the octopus ink experiment amongst several dissimilar body of body of water animals in addition to when nosotros ran out of ink (after the seventh fourth dimension doing it), nosotros used liquid H2O colors instead.


My 6-year-old missy loves all things niggling in addition to creepy crawly hence she has spent all of her costless fourth dimension exploring the ladybug kit over the concluding few weeks.

The Ladybug kit included the majority Are You a Ladybug past times Judy Allen in addition to Tudor Humphries along amongst the next activities:

  • build a ladybug garden
  • clay model of the ladybug life cycle
  • painting a ladybug box
  • ladybug newspaper plate craft
  • odd or fifty-fifty spots activity
  • ladybug life wheel in addition to observational drawing
  • ladybug race game
  • catch the aphids game
  • ladybug painted rocks
  • ladybug spots game

Planting seeds in addition to using the cool pose down pellets that were sent powerfulness create got been the highlight of her week! She loves growing things in addition to was hence excited when she got to found existent life seeds inwards existent life dirt!!

In improver to including a lot of materials inwards each box, Ivy Kids kits come upwardly amongst uncomplicated written in addition to visual instructions for each action in addition to the instructions come upwardly amongst suggestions for how to alteration the activities for younger kids (Little Ivy kids ages 3-5). There are also questions included that assistance scaffold learning in addition to assistance y'all expand on the themes in addition to create got conversations amongst your kids nearly what they are seeing in addition to learning.


Ivy Kids kits are perfect for busy parents, homeschooling parents who desire some resources, in addition to families that ask some fun together!

H5N1 monthly subscription costs $38.95 in addition to if y'all buy 3 or half-dozen months at a fourth dimension in addition to then your cost goes downwards a bit. You tin honour the prices for the Ivy Kids Kits here

Each unmarried kit costs $38.95 in addition to y'all tin buy kits that were previously sent out. You tin regard them all here. These brand awesome gifts!

Our friends at Ivy Kids create got sent along these discounts for our Toddler Approved followers!

Use code IVY20 to relieve 20% on your get-go kit when y'all buy any recurring subscription.

Use code PASTKITS10 to relieve 10% on whatever of our past times kits available inwards our store, no subscription necessary.

If you've tried an Ivy Kids Kit I would LOVE to remove heed which one! Tell me inwards the comments. Any themes your kids are obsessed amongst that Ivy Kids should plow into a box?

This shipping is sponsored by Ivy Kids. All opinions are my own.

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