
Happy V Uncomplicated Activities To Strengthen Visual Skills

Vision together with oculus wellness are thus of import together with assist kids live successful inwards school, sports, together with other activities!

Today I am excited to partner amongst the American Optometric Association (AOA) together with part 5 simple activities to strengthen oculus wellness together with visual skills! We'll also live chatting nigh our recent trip to our medico of Optometry (O.D.) together with why YOU should add together an in-person comprehensive oculus exam to your Back to School checklist!

Did yous know that according to the American Optometric Association’s 2015 Eye-Q Survey®, 89 pct of those surveyed believe vision screenings (like those offered at schoolhouse together with pediatric offices) are an effective means to uncovering vision problems?

In fact, vision screenings tin immature lady every bit many every bit 60% of children amongst vision problems. H5N1 comprehensive oculus exam is truly the ONLY means to dominion out all vision problems. This is why the AOA’s novel guideline, Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: Comprehensive Pediatric Eye together with Vision Examination, directly recommends children ages vi to xviii years should have a regular, in-person, comprehensive oculus exam earlier entering the outset degree together with annually thereafter.

As an simple schoolhouse teacher, I ofttimes institute my student's vision changed throughout their early on years. Sometimes I had students roofing i oculus to encounter things, having an increasingly curt attending span, asset reading materials unopen to their face, together with tilting their caput patch reading or concentrating. Often subsequently a recommendation to encounter an optometrist, nosotros discovered that some students truly had vision problems that were impacting their mightiness to concentrate together with live successful inwards school.

I am directly a HUGE advocate for annual comprehensive oculus exams for kids together with I intend it is thus of import to warning parents to symptoms of potential vision/eye wellness problems. Early diagnosis together with handling of oculus together with vision problems tin assist forbid vision loss together with assist children hit their total potential.

To uncovering a medico of optometry nigh yous together with to larn more, view the American Optometric Association’s doctor locator at www.aoa.org.


We lately went to Visual Expressions Optometry to view the optometrist for a comprehensive oculus exam! My oldest 2 kids were thus excited to larn to a greater extent than nigh their eyes together with encounter the cool machines that my hubby told them all about. We left the younger 2 at dwelling because 4 kids is sometimes likewise much for me to grip when nosotros are doing appointments.

We met AOA fellow member Dr. Selin Khayatan together with the kids had fun chatting amongst her together with getting to know her a piddling bit.

While nosotros waited for our twenty-four hours of the month the kids had a swell fourth dimension checking out all of the frames inwards the shop together with trying them on. It was adorable to encounter them deciding on their favorites. The component staff was thus friendly together with helpful.

Since the kids had never had a comprehensive oculus exam before, the staff explained clearly what each machine did together with thus nosotros got to move testing together with trying out all of the machines. Typically, an exam past times an optometrist includes twelve steps to assess the wellness of the eyes together with vision. An exam goes beyond only checking for vision issues, but checks for consummate oculus health! You tin read to a greater extent than details nigh what goes into an exam HERE.

At the terminate of our twenty-four hours of the month the kids got to direct prizes from the treasure box. They chose these oral fissure whistles together with thus they blew them the whole means home! LOL!

I truly enjoyed the chance to utter amongst Dr. Khayatan nigh simple things similar concealment fourth dimension together with how it effects vision, the negative effects that could give when my kids sneak together with read inwards the dark, how to amend protect eyes on vivid days, together with how vision problems tin influence reading fluency.


An annual comprehensive oculus exam needs to acquire on your schedule ASAP! It tin assist gear upwardly your kid for success inwards schoolhouse together with other extra-curricular activities.

Skills needed for sport activities include clear distance vision, practiced depth perception, broad acre of vision together with effective hand-eye coordination.

These 5 simple activities, inspired past times the AOA’s tips on how parents tin assist amongst visual development, that I am sharing tin assist kids strengthen their visual skills together with oculus health! Taking fourth dimension during these early on years to assist brand certain vision is developing unremarkably tin render a kid amongst a practiced start for school.


Assembling puzzles are swell ways to strengthen hand-eye coordination. For this activeness nosotros only cutting out simple pictures from magazines, glued them onto newspaper plates, together with thus cutting them upwardly into simple puzzles.

The kids had fun putting these together!


For this activeness only catch a large box together with some pieces of cardboard together with brand a ramp or two. Add inwards plastic balls together with yous are gear upwardly to play!

Rolling activities together with tracking the colorful balls every bit yous force them tin assist kids railroad train their visual skills. They tin also sharpen your child's full general oculus motility skills.


Cutting amongst pair of scissors involves a lot of skill! While yous cut, yous are working on visual perception (seeing what yous are cutting), visual motor integration (eye-hand coordination), together with fine motor skills (strengthening your finger muscles).

Our snipping tray this calendar week only included straws together with cupcake tin liners. These were fun to snip patch chatting.  


Playing at the common (or fifty-fifty only inwards your backyard) together with climbing together with swinging is an awesome means to move on eye-hand-body coordination! These skills are essential every bit kids gear upwardly for school.


Stacking edifice blocks tin assist improve visual skills. We honey to collect Amazon boxes together with other large packet boxes together with thus brand giant towers. The ones that are taller than me are my favorite!

I honey knowing that in that place are things I tin live doing at dwelling to assist strengthen my kid's visual skills together with oculus health! I also honey that I tin accept my kids to an annual comprehensive oculus exam together with rapidly know nigh whatever oculus wellness or vision problems!

If yous possess got whatever other ideas you've tried that tin assist strengthen oculus health, delight move past times them along!! You tin larn to a greater extent than nigh the importance of children’s comprehensive exams here.

Also, if you've had a swell oculus exam sense amongst your kids, part nigh it! 

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of American Optometric Association . The opinions together with text are all mine.

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