
Happy Half-Dozen Reasons To Honey Chuck E. Cheese's Birthday Parties!

We direct hold birthdays inwards our identify unit of measurement starting inwards Oct all the agency until March. I dear birthday parties, but they tin give the axe also live exhausting. I am ever looking for ways to simplify parties as well as build them to a greater extent than fun for me (and for the birthday child). This yr my fille had her sixth birthday political party at Chuck E. Cheese's. This was our outset Chuck E. Cheese's birthday political party as well as I'm certain it won't live our last. It was such an tardily experience. 

After enjoying our Chuck E. Cheese's birthday political party as well as thinking virtually it inwards comparing to another birthday parties we've hosted, I wanted to portion half dozen reasons why parents (like me) dear birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese's. This post is sponsored by Chuck E. Cheese's.

There are several other reasons I could add together to this list... but hither are half dozen reasons parents dear Chuck E. Cheese's birthday parties!

1. You tin give the axe present upward 10 minutes beforehand as well as everything is ready for your party! 

Our political party host laid upward our plates/cups, reviewed our pizza orders, as well as had play passes ready for when kids arrived for the party! We had nix to exercise in 1 lawsuit nosotros arrived as well as position our cupcakes down... it was hence relaxing that I almost didn't know what to exercise alongside myself. We had fourth dimension to greet each invitee as well as chat equally they arrived, which was awesome!

2. There are cute birthday themes help you lot personalize the political party to jibe your birthday star! You tin give the axe exercise equally lilliputian or equally much equally you lot would like!

Chuck E. Cheese's provides cute, elementary birthday accessories for your birthday star that become along alongside the theme. You tin give the axe direct hold Chuck E. Cheese's exercise everything, or you lot tin give the axe select inwards a few of your ain things to decorate! Either way, it is hence easy!

Some of the political party subject choices include, “Party Like a Rock Star,” “Dressed inwards Pink Party,” “Sports, Sports, Sports” as well as “Chuck E. Super Fan.” My fille did a "Party Like a Rock Star" party, hence she got her ain Chuck E. Cheese's microphone as well as I brought a blow upward guitar for kids to direct hold pictures with! We also made some stone star themed goodie bags alongside popular rocks.

You tin give the axe download my "You Rock" favor handbag tags HERE.

If you lot don't desire to build your ain goodie bags, Chuck E. Cheese's tin give the axe exercise that too! It is awesome!

Chuck E. Cheese’s also has build novel cakes alongside sweetness frosting, rich cake as well as a splash of excitement alongside colored sprinkles!

If your birthday star would rather direct hold something homemade, you lot tin give the axe select that inwards instead! I dear how accommodating they are at Chuck E. Cheese's! We made especial stone star cupcakes as well as star cupcake toppers. Our host stored my cupcakes away from the political party until it was fourth dimension to swallow them (to avoid lilliputian kids sneaking cupcakes also soon).

You tin give the axe grab our "Party similar a stone star" star cupcake toppers using the link below. Just punch them out alongside a circle arts and crafts punch.


3. The pizza is actually good!

I am withal dreaming virtually the BBQ chicken pizza. The sauce is delicious! We bought cheese as well as pepperoni for the kids as well as the adults dived into the BBQ as well as Supreme pizzas. Several of the parents mentioned that the pizza was actually good! The kids kept bespeak for more, hence I intend they liked it too! I went habitation as well as ate the leftovers for dinner that dark too. Yum!

Check out the sum Chuck E. Cheese's carte HERE.

4. The Ticket Blaster. 

This was hands downwards the birthday girl's favorite activity... hence it was mine too! The ticket blaster is a lilliputian booth that the birthday kid goes within as well as hence tickets wing roughly as well as they elbow grease to grab them. Kids tin give the axe fifty-fifty select a buddy inwards to help them if they want. We opted for no buddies since nosotros didn't desire to build whatever friends experience bad.

My 9-year-old boy forthwith wants to direct hold his birthday political party at Chuck E. Cheese's alone because he wants a jeopardy at the ticket blaster! He idea it was hence cool!

5. The mess stays in that location as well as you lot don't build clean it up! 

The best business office virtually partying at Chuck E. Cheese's is that in 1 lawsuit the political party ends, you lot become habitation as well as your political party host cleans up! It is hence relaxing! There are no dishes to do, no decorations to describe down... you lot merely bear your gifts to the auto as well as caput habitation to maintain the celebrating.

6. Lots of fourth dimension for taking pictures, chatting alongside friends, as well as focusing on your birthday star since everything else is taken tending of!

I spent my daughter's birthday political party running roughly taking pictures as well as chatting alongside her friends as well as their moms. I wasn't worried virtually serving pizza, pouring drinks, or running whatever activities. The political party host made certain that each of the kids got a play function past times card for playing games as well as kept the nutrient as well as drinks coming!

I loved having fourth dimension to snap photos of my fille alongside her friends as well as merely chat alongside them.

Although I dear to exercise crafty parties alongside fine art projects as well as other to a greater extent than creative components, sometimes it is prissy to merely focus on people as well as bask a depression stress party! Our political party at Chuck E. Cheese's was in all likelihood the most depression stress political party we've had for whatever of my kids!

Chuck E. Cheese’s also has a new online reservation system that makes it easier than ever to majority a birthday party. No playing weep upward tag alongside client service. It keeps things prissy as well as simple! You merely reserve your location as well as larn a reservation via e-mail within minutes! Simple!  

Birthdays tin give the axe live stressful plenty without needing to direct hold the political party larn overwhelming! These tips volition hopefully help you lot as well as your kid direct hold an enjoyable as well as generally stress-free birthday.

Have you lot ever hosted a birthday political party at Chuck E. Cheese's? What did you lot dear virtually it? Have whatever other reasons to add together to our list?

Disclosure: This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Chuck E. Cheese's. I am a #ChuckEChampions Brand Ambassador for 2016-2017. The opinions as well as text are all mine.

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