
The Keen All-American Burger Domestic Dog – Usa! Usa! Usa!

This “burger dog” is far to a greater extent than than a hot Canis familiaris shaped cheeseburger. It’s a will to American ingenuity as well as existence about the correct house at the correct time. While I’m posting this every bit a fun, fourth of July grilling idea, my existent motivation is to say this “only inwards America” even out of nutrient stand upward stardom.

As the even out goes, Bill “Burger Bill” Parrish didn’t desire to purchase 2 dissimilar kinds of buns for his tiny snack stand, which he operated on Lake Merced, close the Olympic Club inwards San Francisco. Since there’s no such affair every bit flat, circular hot dogs, Bill decided to shape his burgers to check the hot Canis familiaris bun, as well as The City’s most storied cheeseburger was born.

The irresistible as well as geometrically superior burgers became as well as thus pop that golfers at the Olympic Club would ship their caddies over to see every bit many burger dogs every bit they could carry. Eventually the rattling exclusive social club offered to allow Bill laid upward his trailer on the course, close the 11th hole, where they’ve been a fixture e'er since.

The course of pedagogy is entirely opened upward to members, as well as thus the entirely agency to sense of savor 1 of these rare beauties is if you’re invited to play every bit a guest. I’ve had the pleasance twice, as well as both times the burger sense was only every bit memorable every bit the golf. They actually are brilliant.

Above as well as beyond plumbing equipment the uni-bun, Burger Bill’s rectangular meat ended upward existence culinarily superior for all the reasons I brag almost inwards the video. The shape insures a non bad crust of grill marks, as well as a perfect meat-to-bun ratio every bit you lot consume your agency downwards the length.

With all deference to Mr. Parrish, I’ve added an extra bonus technique of seasoning the within of the burger earlier it’s formed. When you lot add together this to the aforementioned attributes, you’re talking almost a great, as well as uniquely American burger experience. I promise you lot compass these a endeavor soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients per burger dog:
8 oz position down beef (80/20 grind)
1 large hot Canis familiaris bun
1 land cheese
salt as well as pepper to taste

View the consummate recipe

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