
St. Patrick’S Twenty-Four Hours Special: Irish Shepherd’S Pie (The Existent One, Non The Materials They Swallow Inward Cottages)

I know I may convey used a few atypical ingredients inwards this, but every bit far every bit I’m concerned, the exclusively 2 things that are mandatory to brand a “real” Shepherd’s Pie are potatoes as well as lamb. While the reason beef version is also rattling delicious, it’s non considered a “Shepherd’s Pie,” since shepherds enhance sheep, non cows.

The existent mystery is why the beef version is called “Cottage Pie,” as well as non “Cowboy Pie,” or “Rancher’s Pie.” When I intend almost cattle, many things come upward to mind, but cottages aren’t i of them. Okay, instantly that nosotros convey all those search keywords inserted, nosotros tin moooo’ve on.

By the way, I know it’s something of a Food Wishes tradition that I create a cheap, culturally insensitive joke almost Irish-Americans drinking besides much inwards our St. Patrick’s Day video, but this twelvemonth I decided non to create any. In fairness, I know hundreds of Irish Gaelic people, as well as several of them convey no drinking work whatsoever, then it simply didn’t look inappropriate.

Anyway, every bit I tell inwards the video, this would brand a lovely option to the much to a greater extent than mutual corned beef as well as cabbage that you lot may convey been planning for dinner. Also, I actually promise you lot detect around prissy Irish Gaelic cheddar. I used i called “Dubliner” past times Kerrygold, which tin hold upward institute inwards most large grocery stores.

If you’re curious almost potable pairings, may I operate out on a limb as well as advise a prissy Guinness, or other Irish Gaelic beer…just concur the dark-green nutrient coloring, please. Erin larn bragh, as well as every bit always, enjoy!

For lamb mixture:
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 diced onion
2 pounds lean reason lamb
1/3 loving cup flour
salt as well as pepper to taste
1 tsp paprika
1/8 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp minced fresh rosemary
3 cloves minced garlic
1 tbsp ketchup
2 1/2 cups H2O or broth (use to a greater extent than or less to adapt thickness every bit needed)
12 oz handbag frozen peas as well as carrots, thawed, drained good

For the Irish Gaelic patato topping:
2 1/2 pound Yukon aureate potatoes
1 tbsp butter
salt as well as pepper to taste
pinch of cayenne
1/4 loving cup cream cheese
1/4 pound Irish Gaelic cheddar
1 egg yolk beaten amongst 2 tbsp milk

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