
Good Morn Sausage! Pork, Fennel, In Addition To Orangish Breakfast Sausage Patties

I know I tell this a lot, but I can’t believe I haven’t done this recipe yet! There are few things every bit tardily together with amazing every bit homemade breakfast sausage, together with this is my favorite formula.

The cardinal hither is to teach to a greater extent than or less properly terra firma fresh pork from a existent alive butcher. The terra firma pork inwards the meat illustration at the supermarket is non going to locomote coarse enough, non to cite the fact that the meat they used was in all likelihood chosen based on it’s inability to locomote sold inwards whatever other form.

Tell the butcher you lot desire a brace pounds of freshly terra firma pork shoulder, together with locomote certain to role the term “sausage grind.” This agency a really coarse grind, together with an adequate fatty content. Anything less than 30-40% fatty is simply non going to brand a smashing sausage patty.

Above together with beyond the meat, nearly anything goes when making sausage patties. I recall the fennel, nutmeg, together with orangish zest (an persuasion I borrowed from my uncle, together with sausage master, Bill) actually gives this a breakfast-y flavor, but if you’re non into those ingredients, role what you lot like.

Lastly, the overnight refrigeration actually makes a big difference. All those big flavors necessitate fourth dimension to meld together, together with besides, past times making this inwards the eve for the adjacent morning’s meal, you’ve pretty much assured yourself of to a greater extent than or less character sausage-related dreams. Enjoy!

1 pound terra firma pork
1 tsp kosher tabular array salt (1/2 to 3/4 tsp of tabular array salt), or to taste
1/2 tsp dried Italian herbs blend (mine has thyme, rosemary, sage, together with oregano)
2-3 tsps fennel seeds, lightly crushed
2 tsp freshly grated orangish zest
1/2 tsp freshly terra firma dark pepper
1/8 tsp cherry-red pepper flakes
pinch of fresh nutmeg

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