
Garlic Shrimp – Non Necessarily Inward That Order

The neat matter near posting a recipe equally generic equally “Garlic Shrimp,” is that nobody tin complain it’s non authentic. If it has shrimp together with plenty garlic inward it, it’s authentic. Above together with beyond that, simply near anything goes.

The alone existent fence revolves some whether to fix shrimp first, together with hence add together the garlic; or sauté the garlic first, together with hence fix the shrimp. I’ve used together with enjoyed both methods, but I intend I prefer the 1 shown here.

If you lot fix the garlic first, it mellows out the flavor, together with gives it a piddling sweeter aspect, but it also increases the opportunity of browning it besides much, which is the alone agency to screw this up. Besides that, it prevents getting whatsoever form of coloring on the seafood.

By searing the shrimp first, you’ll instruct some squeamish caramelization, which I intend actually adds to the depth of flavor. Speaking of flavor, I can’t believe I’m giving away my caper brine secret; but I decided it’s simply besides proficient to non share. The piddling splash of salty goodness does something that’s easier to sense of savor than explain.

Anyway, if you lot similar shrimp together with LOVE garlic, I promise you lot plough over this fast together with delicious recipe a stimulate soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for two large or iv modest portions:
1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
1 pound shrimp
salt to taste
6 cloves garlic, minced fine
1/4 tsp carmine pepper flakes
2 tbsp mutual coldness butter, cutting inward iv pieces
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp caper brine
1/3 loving cup chopped Italian parsley, divided
water equally needed to sparse sauce

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