
Brussels Sprouts Amongst Warm Bacon Dressing As Well As The Vacation Side Dish Dilemma

As I enjoyed this real tasty Brussels sprouts alongside warm bacon dressing recipe, I was reminded Thanksgiving side dish determination fourth dimension is apace approaching. It’s that annual dilemma where we’re forced to conduct 5 or half dozen recipes amid hundreds of potentially awesome options.

What makes this determination together with hence tough is that y'all desire things that are traditional together with comforting, exactly at the same time, desire to piece of job along the bill of fare fresh together with interesting. You dear those buttery mashed potatoes, together with even together with hence you’ve wanted to brand twice-baked potatoes for years. You ever brand Grandma’s chestnut stuffing, exactly that spicy cornbread version y'all saw on Pinterest sure looks amazing. What do y'all do?

Do what I do; piece of job along the starchy cornerstones classic, together with switch upwards the vegetable sides instead. Go ahead together with do your favorite together with familiar potato, stuffing, together with gravy recipe; exactly when it comes to tired former dishes similar dark-green edible bean casserole, or peas together with carrots, permit your freak flag fly.

As long equally y'all accept a few comfort nutrient favorites around, people volition forgive a lilliputian experimentation, together with this creative, un-cooked Brussels sprouts recipe would gibe the bill. I dear the contrast betwixt the raw, crunchy vegetable together with the rich, smoky, sweetness together with sour dressing. This would do whatsoever turkey proud.

While I decided to larn raw this time, y'all tin for sure plow this into a hot side past times giving it a quick, stir-fry inwards a large skillet. Just a infinitesimal or two, until it starts to wilt, together with you’re practiced to go. Anyway, I’m non sure if I made your side dish pick simpler or to a greater extent than complicated past times showing y'all this novel together with exciting offering, exactly I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You ever do. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4-6 servings:
1 1/4 pound Brussels sprouts (will brand nearly 1 lb. trimmed together with sliced)
1 tbsp vegetable oil
4 oz bacon, sliced
2 tbsp chocolate-brown sugar
1/3 loving cup cider vinegar
1 lemon juiced
salt together with pepper to taste
pinch of cayenne

View the consummate recipe

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