
Black Onion Enjoy – I’Ve Never Wanted A Hot Domestic Dog Then Badly Inwards My Life!

This quick together with rattling muddy recipe for dark onion relish was quite delicious on grilled salmon, but amongst every seize amongst teeth I became to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than agitated, thinking well-nigh how utterly perfect this would pick out been on a grilled hot dog.

If you’re i of these enlightened souls that relish grilled onions on their ballpark franks, you lot volition honey this sweetness together with smoky condiment. 

There’s something well-nigh how the onion roasts inward its ain charred skin, buried inward the white-hot coals, which brings a goodness non achievable inward a pan. Believe me when I say, my side yesteryear side hot grunter WILL hold out wearing this relish.

As usual, I played it conduct amongst the seasonings, but if I had a dollar for every agency you lot could adjust this relish recipe, I’d pick out plenty coin to pay individual to intend of a existent ending for this post. Enjoy!

Ingredients for well-nigh 1 1/2 cups:
2 yellowish onions
1 ruddy pepper
chopped parsley, to taste
cayenne, tabular array salt together with pepper to taste
*Dress amongst crude together with vinegar to gustatory modality - I used well-nigh iii tbsp olive crude together with iii tbsp vinegar
Taste together with adjust!

View the consummate recipe

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