
Beef Tenderloin Medallions Alongside Caramelized Tomato Plant Mushroom Pan Sauce – I’M Glad One Used All Clad

My friends at All Clad lately sent me an invitation to convey piece of job inwards a challenger to educate a recipe showing off their 10-inch Stainless Steel Fry Pan. After carefully considering the offering for several seconds, I allow them know I’d hold upwards thrilled to participate, together with fifty-fifty to a greater extent than thrilled to convey their gratis pan.

After a picayune brainstorming, I decided seared beef medallions alongside pan sauce would best highlight the benefits of using this type of pan. Once I decided on a full general direction, it was fourth dimension to alternative ingredients. For medallion meat, I chose soft together with buttery tenderloin. For the pan sauce, I went alongside mushrooms together with tomato, every bit I knew they’d allow me to exhibit how spectacular a sauce 1 tin lav attain alongside proper caramelization.

There are ii huge advantages to high-quality cookware (three, if you lot count how cool they await hanging on your pot rack). Because the steel is thicker together with denser, the pan non solely retains oestrus much better, but it distributes that oestrus rattling evenly. In this recipe, the advantages of both are seen quite clearly.

First of all, we’re able to practise a rattling high-heat sear, alongside the surface of the medallions getting a beautiful dark-brown crust, spell the within stays prissy together with rare, thank you lot to the curt cooking fourth dimension the pan’s oestrus retentiveness affords.

Secondly, every bit we’re caramelizing the mushrooms together with tomato plant sauce, you lot tin lav run into the advantages of superior oestrus distribution. This sauce is rattling easy, but if you’re using a thin, inexpensive pan, you’re going to larn “hot spots,” which makes browning the sauce base of operations to a greater extent than difficult. Certain areas volition scorch together with laissez passer on the axe quickly, together with you lot don’t larn prissy fifty-fifty caramelization. Here, you lot tin lav run into that wasn't an issue.

Above together with beyond the advantages of the cookware, the recipe tasted amazing. I mean, come upwards on, I can’t laissez passer on the pan all the credit. It’s 1 of those dishes that unless individual watched you lot brand it, they’d never believe how fast together with elementary it is to prepare. By the way, this wonderful sauce would piece of job but every bit good alongside pork, veal, or chicken. 

Anyway, thank you lot to All Clad for the pan together with invitation to participate inwards this contest. I can’t hold back to run into what other bloggers are participating, together with what they’re making. Please remain tuned for to a greater extent than details together with results inwards the nigh future. In the meantime, I promise you lot laissez passer on this swell recipe a assay soon. Enjoy!

(Since this was for a contest, I was forced to type upwards the recipe!)

Seared Beef Tenderloin Medallions alongside Caramelized Tomato & Mushroom Pan Sauce

For 4 servings:

2 lbs beef tenderloin, trimmed, cutting into 8 (4-oz) medallions, nigh 1-inch thick (this volition also piece of job alongside chicken breasts or pork chops)
salt together with pepper to taste
1 tablespoon vegetable fossil oil for searing
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
8-10 white push mushrooms, sliced thin
1/2 loving cup marinara sauce (mine had basil together with garlic inwards it, but whatever prepared tomato plant sauce volition work)
1/3 loving cup Marsala wine
1 loving cup veal stock or chicken broth
2 tsp freshly chopped oregano leaves
1 1/2 tablespoons mutual coldness butter, cutting into cubes

Season beef medallions generously alongside tabular array salt together with pepper to taste. Put vegetable fossil oil inwards a stainless steel pan, together with house over high heat. When the fossil oil but begins to smoke, sear the beef for nigh 2 minutes per side. The meat should larn a prissy dark-brown crust, but practise non gear upwards all the agency through, every bit it volition complete cooking inwards the sauce. Turn off heat, together with take away beef to a plate, together with reserve until needed.

Add the butter together with olive fossil oil to the pan, together with house over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms together with a pinch of salt. Cook the mushrooms, stirring often, for nigh 10 minutes, or until rattling good browned. Add the tomato plant sauce, together with cook, stirring, for nigh v minutes, or until the tomato plant sauce thickens together with caramelizes on to the bottom of the pan.

Pour inwards the Marsala wine, together with heighten oestrus to high. As the vino comes upwards to a boil, utilization a wooden spoon to combat whatever caramelized bits on the bottom of the pan. When almost all the vino has evaporated, add together the stock or broth. Bring to a boil, together with cook, stirring occasionally, for nigh v minutes, or until the mixture has reduced yesteryear nigh half.

Reduce the oestrus to low, together with add together the beef medallions dorsum in. Simmer gently for 2-3 minutes, or until the meat is heated through together with cooked to your preference. You tin lav add together to a greater extent than stock if sauce seems also thick.

Remove the medallions, together with dissever on iv hot plates. Turn the oestrus off nether the sauce, together with stir inwards the oregano together with mutual coldness butter. Stir constantly until butter has disappeared into the sauce. Taste for seasoning, together with arrange if needed. Spoon over meat together with serve immediately. Enjoy!

View the consummate recipe

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