
Learn Too Sentry Tons Of Opened Upward Educational Resources To Role Inward Your Teaching

May 9, 2017
Open Education Resources (OER) Commons is a platform that provides opened upwardly access to a broad diversity of opened upwardly educational resources that are either inward the populace domain or are licensed nether Creative Commons.  These resources include things such equally :’ amount courses, class materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, together with whatever other tools, materials, or techniques used to back upwardly access to knowledge.’

Teachers tin re-use  and arrange these instructional resources their ain teaching situations together with according to the learning needs of their students. The site also provides tools to permit educators to contribute their ain educational materials . To this end, y'all tin work Open Author to practice media rich documents, Lesson Builder to practice interactive lessons, or Module Builder to pattern interactive modules. OER Commons has an internal search functionality that allows y'all to easily locate whatever resources y'all want. You tin refine your search past times subject, flat story together with standards.

Watch the video below to acquire how to search OER Commons

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