
Learn Too Sentry An Fantabulous Tool To Document Students Learning

May 29, 2017
One effective agency to engage in addition to motivate students is past times helping them document their learning. Digital portfolios is the best agency to create this. We convey already reviewed several spider web tools in addition to mobile apps students tin purpose to showcase their learning (click here to run across them). In today’s postal service nosotros are adding roughly other first-class platform called FreshGrade that enables teachers in addition to students to easily capture learning using a broad diversity of rich media artifacts.

FreshGrade allows students to document their learning through pictures, videos, well recording, links in addition to text notes. As a teacher, yous tin tape artifacts of learning in addition to upload them straight to students portfolios to percentage amongst parents. ‘Using the FreshGrade Parent App in addition to FreshGrade Student App, students in addition to parents convey secure access to view, comment in addition to upload additional artifacts to the student’s portfolio. The FreshGrade suite of applications features educatee portfolios, raise engagement, custom assessment tools, custom activities/assignments amongst curriculum alignment in addition to classroom announcements.’

Watch the video below to acquire to a greater extent than virtually FreshGrade

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