
Learn Together With Scout V Of The Best Tools To Utilisation Digital Portfolios Inwards Class

Digital portfolios are neat teaching, learning, too assessment tools. In today’s post service nosotros are focusing on the learning role too are looking at e-portfolios from a student-centric perspective. To larn how teachers tin leverage the powerful of portfolios inwards their instruction, banking concern check out Arter too Spandel (1992) newspaper (see reference listing at the bottom of this page). By definition, a portfolio, according to Arter too Spandel, ‘is a purposeful collection of pupil operate that exhibits to the student, or others, her efforts or achievement inwards 1 or to a greater extent than areas’ (cited in  Baki too Birgin, 2007, p. 77). The fundamental give-and-take hither is ‘purposeful’, a portfolio is unlike from a folder inwards that it has a purpose too is guided yesteryear a issue of learning objectives too expected outcomes. Without intentional planning, a portfolio becomes a mere receptacle of one’s work.

Three processes are involved inwards portfolio creation: collection, selection, too reflection. Each of these processes trains students inwards a issue of skills. Together they render students amongst the appropriate mindset to assist them accept responsibleness of their learning too thrive every bit budding life-long learners.

There are numerous benefits students volition gain from incorporating portfolios inwards their learning. Here is a summarized listing of some these benefits based on readings nosotros did inwards this regard (see sources listing at the bottom of this post).
Portfolios enable students to tape their learning too document their increase over a menstruum of time.
They Provide students amongst a venue through which they tin showcase their learning.
They tin live on used every bit a tool for self-assessment, self-reflection too personal development.
They assist students focus on the procedure of learning rather than the terminate product.
They promote deeper learning every bit students actively engage inwards the learning process.
They develop students metacognitive skills (reflective practices) too assist them accept command of their learning.
They empower students' voice.
They are a ‘method of self-discovery too confidence building’.
They assist students develop personal too academic identities.
They assistance students inwards locating their strengths too weaknesses too conception for futurity improvement.
They invite teachers' feedback too peers’s input.
They assist students develop their writing skills.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 portfolio presents a concrete evidence of your operate too achievements to prospective employers.
There are several spider web tools students tin utilization to arrive at digital portfolios. We conduct maintain already reviewed a issue of them over the final few years. But if you lot are to inquire us close the ones nosotros recommend the most, nosotros would straight you lot to the following:

We conduct maintain created an infographic version of this post. Check out here.

1- Google Sites
This is 1 of the best platforms nosotros conduct maintain been recommending for teachers over the final few years. Students tin utilization it to arrive at too host their ain digital portfolios. The site is uncomplicated too slow to utilization too they tin laid their novel website inside minutes. They tin arrive at every bit many pages every bit they want, too therefore upload their content, too portion amongst others. Site Help has everything students need to effectively utilization Google Sites.

2- Weebly
This is some other practiced website  students tin utilization to arrive at digital portfolios. Like Google Sites, Weebly provides users amongst a uncomplicated drag too driblet editor that allows you lot to blueprint your website the agency you lot want. No HTML or coding noesis acquired. You merely pick out a template, customize it amongst your ain content too issue it to the web.

3- Google Slides
Google Slides tin live on used to arrive at digital portolios inwards the shape of a presentation. There is genuinely a pre-made template for that. This Portfolio template provides students amongst a tentative layout too construction to arrive at their ain portfolio.

4- Seesaw
Seesaw is a powerful tool to assist students arrive at too portion digital portfolios. It allows them to capture too showcase their learning inwards multiple formats. They tin include videos, drawings, text notes, links, too several other materials to their portfolios. Teachers too parents tin easily access too banking concern check students work.

5- Evernote
This is some other practical alternative for creating digital portfolios. Students tape their thoughts using notes too therefore heighten these notes using things such every bit photos, well files, links, too attachments. Evernote provides diverse organizational features that enable users to effectively organize their operate therefore it tin live on easily searched too accessed across unlike devices.

1- Arter, J. A. & Spandel, V. (1992).  Using portfolios of pupil operate inwards instruction and
assessment. Educational Measurement: Issue too Practice, 11(1), 36-44.
2- Baki, A. & Birgin, O. (2007). The utilization of portfolio to assess student’s performance. Turkish Science Education, 4(2), 75-90. Accessed from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED504219.pdf
3- Student Portfolios: Classroom Uses (Office of Research).
7- 3 Reasons to Use Portfolios inwards Education ( yesteryear Bernard Bull, Etale- Education, Innovation, Experimentation).
9- Chapter 7- Portfolio Assessment (NC Public Schools).

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