
News Peace Meditation Together With Budapest Rise Conference Report

We had really lilliputian fourth dimension to get together people for our Peace Meditation as well as the critical majority has non been reached, but the meditation withal had a deep behavior upon on the geopolitical province of affairs inward Syria, minimizing the effects of the armed services escalation on Fri Apr 13th ( a really of import twenty-four hours on the Templar timeline), stabilizing the Syrian Arab Republic goddess vortex as well as bringing to a greater extent than healing as well as peace to the region.

Deeper occult reasons for Syrian Arab Republic conflict are explained here:

Situation inward Syrian Arab Republic is the battlefield of the final stage of the proxy country of war betwixt Galactic Confederation / Pleiadian fleet supporting Putin as well as Assad, as well as Chimera / Draco forces supporting Erik Price as well as negative armed services factions inward Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as US, amongst Donald Trump beingness caught inward the middle:

This is every bit much every bit I tin tell at 1 time almost the planetary province of affairs on the surface of the planet.

Our Ascension Conference inward Budapest was successful beyond our wildest dreams. We select secured the novel positive timeline for the planet past times activating the planetary Sisterhood of the Rose network on a totally novel level. It is at 1 time of the highest importance to practise every bit many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups every bit possible. Those groups ask to come across 1 time weekly at a physical place as well as anchor Goddess energies into the planetary unloose energy grid past times doing both Goddess Vortex as well as Return of the Goddess meditations:

Successfully formed Sisterhood of the Rose groups tin contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com and they volition have farther instructions. 


Our conference has awakened many people, brought many members of individual families together as well as has anchored massive catamenia of energies of Love into the planetary unloose energy grid. This sense has been deeply touching, every bit you lot tin read inward this report:


The powerful Goddess energies anchored during the conference may or may non hold out the argue Soros has decided to relocate his Open Society component subdivision from Budapest to Berlin simply a few days subsequently the conference:

Little does miserable Soros know that Berlin is a powerful Goddess vortex every bit well, as well as he may ask to relocate before long again. Berlin is likewise the place of 1 of the principal European metro Resistance Movement bases that does select an influence on the surface infinite programs:

Since the overstep away of Isis Astara, the Resistance has been working from behind the scenes to let on the existence of electromagnetic weapons, directed unloose energy weapons as well as other weapons that are used past times the Cabal to target the most awakened civilians, through the choice media:

And at 1 time “accidentally” likewise through the mainstream majority media, such every bit Popular Mechanics as well as Russian Federation Today:

Expect to a greater extent than exposure soon.

Now that the novel positive timeline has been secured, I am opened upward for interviews again. Please ship your interview requests to cobraresistance@gmail.com. All interviews volition hold out conducted subsequently May 25th.

Victory of the Light!

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