
News Entry Protocols

Behind the scenes, the Light forces are preparing the most awakened individuals of the surface population for physical contact amongst positive subsurface too extraterrestrial forces.

These preparations are purpose of a huge projection that I am involved with.

In total alignment amongst the novel (beta) timeline, sure as shooting most awakened members of the surface population may, or may non hold upwards given an option to leave of absence the surface of the planet too hold upwards accepted within the cloak-and-dagger Resistance Movement or other positive Agartha factions.

Recent prophetic dream of Teresa Yanaros is a conduct final result of this awakening sequence too requires a detailed analysis:

The dream was taking identify inward a hypnagogic state, that sparse work betwixt the waking the world too slumber that is a portal betwixt physical too higher dimensions:

The dream was induced equally a signal for the surface population to commencement preparing for the contact amongst the Agartha network, too genuinely reveals a large purpose of entry protocols.

If you lot are reading this, you lot may, or may non hold upwards invited to locomote inward the Resistance or other positive Agartha faction earlier the Event.

I tin give exact description too guidance for the entry protocols into the Resistance. I tin non give exact entry protocols for other positive Agartha factions, although they are almost just the same inward most aspects.

If you lot are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entry protocols are equally follows:

1. You volition hold upwards physically contacted past times a Resistance agent, really close to the identify where you lot live. He or she volition hold upwards wearing patently civilian wearing apparel too volition emanate really positive energy. He/she volition innovate herself/himself to you lot too enquire you lot if your are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. It volition hold upwards explained to you lot that later entering the Resistance, you lot volition NOT hold upwards able to possess got whatsoever physical contact amongst the surface population.

2. You volition hold upwards given betwixt v too xv minutes to collect your personal items to convey amongst you. You volition hold upwards asked to convey objects of personal emotional value (wedding rings, photos of loved ones,...) because all other objects (clothing, food, gold, cash, ID documents...) tin hold upwards easily reproduced amongst replicators. You volition hold upwards given a pocket-sized handbag too all your items volition demand to gibe inward that bag. Size too weight requirements volition hold upwards really similar to requirements astronauts had for their personal items on a Space Shuttle:

3. The Resistance agent volition escort you lot to the entry betoken into the Resistance. This volition unremarkably hold upwards a service door inward the cellar or basement within a commercial edifice around your home. There he volition guide you lot to descend a develop of stairs that volition atomic number 82 you lot xxx meters/yards cloak-and-dagger to the topmost degree of the Resistance. The stairs volition await somewhat similar this:


4. When you lot arrive at Resistance level, you lot volition approach a high-tech door that volition atomic number 82 into a construction that volition await somewhat similar a shower cabin:

At this betoken the agent volition enquire you lot the terminal fourth dimension if you lot are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. If you lot refuse, you lot volition hold upwards brought dorsum to the surface too volition never hold upwards contacted in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than earlier the Event. If you lot accept, the agent volition leave of absence you lot solitary too you lot volition locomote inward through the high-tech door past times yourself. You volition hold upwards asked to select off all your wearing apparel too leave of absence the handbag amongst your personal holding inward a exceptional tray. Then you lot volition hold upwards asked to locomote inward the “shower cabin”, where you lot volition hold upwards disinfected from all nanotechnology too from most viruses too bacteria.

5. You volition locomote out from the other side of the “shower cabin” into the Resistance proper, refreshed too disinfected. At this betoken you lot volition experience much better, amongst bursts of inner joy too volition experience really hold upwards too total of energy.

A novel develop of wearable volition hold off for you lot inward the tray amongst your master copy wearable existence disintegrated, too your personal items volition hold upwards waiting inward the bag, disinfected too costless from nanites.

6. You volition locomote inward the side past times side room where a medical MD volition perform a medical check. This cheque volition select almost xxx minutes too volition hold upwards totally non-invasive too painless. If you lot had whatsoever serious medical status prior to your entry into the Resistance, it volition hold upwards inward most cases corrected within additional 10 to twenty minutes amongst a exceptional quantum correction bedroom inward a painless procedure. After the medical procedures are completed, you lot volition hold upwards given a exceptional potable that volition trigger a detox process.

7. You volition hold upwards given your ain room to residuum too slumber too become through a detox process, which volition sometimes hold upwards quite intense too tin hold upwards moderately unpleasant. This physical care for volition unremarkably select 1-3 days too volition assistance you lot position out most physical, energetic too emotional impurities that you lot possess got accumulated during your life on the surface. During the physical care for you lot mightiness experience mild to moderate side effects of the detox physical care for such equally headache, tiredness, low-cal nausea, vomiting, rigid emotional release, loss of appetite too prolonged sleep.

8. After the detox physical care for is over, you lot volition hold upwards able to displace freely into some of the outermost areas of the Resistance:

You volition hold upwards piece of cake integrated into the Resistance gild too volition uncovering your identify within the Resistance soul family:

The dream was taking identify inward a hypnagogic state, that sparse work betwixt the waking the world too slumber that is a portal betwixt physical too higher dimensions:

The dream was induced equally a signal for the surface population to commencement preparing for the contact amongst the Agartha network, too genuinely reveals a large purpose of entry protocols.

If you lot are reading this, you lot may, or may non hold upwards invited to locomote inward the Resistance or other positive Agartha faction earlier the Event.

I tin give exact description too guidance for the entry protocols into the Resistance. I tin non give exact entry protocols for other positive Agartha factions, although they are almost just the same inward most aspects.

If you lot are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entry protocols are equally follows:

1. You volition hold upwards physically contacted past times a Resistance agent, really close to the identify where you lot live. He or she volition hold upwards wearing patently civilian wearing apparel too volition emanate really positive energy. He/she volition innovate herself/himself to you lot too enquire you lot if your are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. It volition hold upwards explained to you lot that later entering the Resistance, you lot volition NOT hold upwards able to possess got whatsoever physical contact amongst the surface population.

2. You volition hold upwards given betwixt v too xv minutes to collect your personal items to convey amongst you. You volition hold upwards asked to convey objects of personal emotional value (wedding rings, photos of loved ones,...) because all other objects (clothing, food, gold, cash, ID documents...) tin hold upwards easily reproduced amongst replicators. You volition hold upwards given a pocket-sized handbag too all your items volition demand to gibe inward that bag. Size too weight requirements volition hold upwards really similar to requirements astronauts had for their personal items on a Space Shuttle:

3. The Resistance agent volition escort you lot to the entry betoken into the Resistance. This volition unremarkably hold upwards a service door inward the cellar or basement within a commercial edifice around your home. There he volition guide you lot to descend a develop of stairs that volition atomic number 82 you lot xxx meters/yards cloak-and-dagger to the topmost degree of the Resistance. The stairs volition await somewhat similar this:


4. When you lot arrive at Resistance level, you lot volition approach a high-tech door that volition atomic number 82 into a construction that volition await somewhat similar a shower cabin:

At this betoken the agent volition enquire you lot the terminal fourth dimension if you lot are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. If you lot refuse, you lot volition hold upwards brought dorsum to the surface too volition never hold upwards contacted in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than earlier the Event. If you lot accept, the agent volition leave of absence you lot solitary too you lot volition locomote inward through the high-tech door past times yourself. You volition hold upwards asked to select off all your wearing apparel too leave of absence the handbag amongst your personal holding inward a exceptional tray. Then you lot volition hold upwards asked to locomote inward the “shower cabin”, where you lot volition hold upwards disinfected from all nanotechnology too from most viruses too bacteria.

5. You volition locomote out from the other side of the “shower cabin” into the Resistance proper, refreshed too disinfected. At this betoken you lot volition experience much better, amongst bursts of inner joy too volition experience really hold upwards too total of energy.

A novel develop of wearable volition hold off for you lot inward the tray amongst your master copy wearable existence disintegrated, too your personal items volition hold upwards waiting inward the bag, disinfected too costless from nanites.

6. You volition locomote inward the side past times side room where a medical MD volition perform a medical check. This cheque volition select almost xxx minutes too volition hold upwards totally non-invasive too painless. If you lot had whatsoever serious medical status prior to your entry into the Resistance, it volition hold upwards inward most cases corrected within additional 10 to twenty minutes amongst a exceptional quantum correction bedroom inward a painless procedure. After the medical procedures are completed, you lot volition hold upwards given a exceptional potable that volition trigger a detox process.

7. You volition hold upwards given your ain room to residuum too slumber too become through a detox process, which volition sometimes hold upwards quite intense too tin hold upwards moderately unpleasant. This physical care for volition unremarkably select 1-3 days too volition assistance you lot position out most physical, energetic too emotional impurities that you lot possess got accumulated during your life on the surface. During the physical care for you lot mightiness experience mild to moderate side effects of the detox physical care for such equally headache, tiredness, low-cal nausea, vomiting, rigid emotional release, loss of appetite too prolonged sleep.

8. After the detox physical care for is over, you lot volition hold upwards able to displace freely into some of the outermost areas of the Resistance:

You volition hold upwards piece of cake integrated into the Resistance gild too volition uncovering your identify within the Resistance soul family:

The dream was taking identify inward a hypnagogic state, that sparse work betwixt the waking the world too slumber that is a portal betwixt physical too higher dimensions:

The dream was induced equally a signal for the surface population to commencement preparing for the contact amongst the Agartha network, too genuinely reveals a large purpose of entry protocols.

If you lot are reading this, you lot may, or may non hold upwards invited to locomote inward the Resistance or other positive Agartha faction earlier the Event.

I tin give exact description too guidance for the entry protocols into the Resistance. I tin non give exact entry protocols for other positive Agartha factions, although they are almost just the same inward most aspects.

If you lot are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entry protocols are equally follows:

1. You volition hold upwards physically contacted past times a Resistance agent, really close to the identify where you lot live. He or she volition hold upwards wearing patently civilian wearing apparel too volition emanate really positive energy. He/she volition innovate herself/himself to you lot too enquire you lot if your are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. It volition hold upwards explained to you lot that later entering the Resistance, you lot volition NOT hold upwards able to possess got whatsoever physical contact amongst the surface population.

2. You volition hold upwards given betwixt v too xv minutes to collect your personal items to convey amongst you. You volition hold upwards asked to convey objects of personal emotional value (wedding rings, photos of loved ones,...) because all other objects (clothing, food, gold, cash, ID documents...) tin hold upwards easily reproduced amongst replicators. You volition hold upwards given a pocket-sized handbag too all your items volition demand to gibe inward that bag. Size too weight requirements volition hold upwards really similar to requirements astronauts had for their personal items on a Space Shuttle:

3. The Resistance agent volition escort you lot to the entry betoken into the Resistance. This volition unremarkably hold upwards a service door inward the cellar or basement within a commercial edifice around your home. There he volition guide you lot to descend a develop of stairs that volition atomic number 82 you lot xxx meters/yards cloak-and-dagger to the topmost degree of the Resistance. The stairs volition await somewhat similar this:


4. When you lot arrive at Resistance level, you lot volition approach a high-tech door that volition atomic number 82 into a construction that volition await somewhat similar a shower cabin:

At this betoken the agent volition enquire you lot the terminal fourth dimension if you lot are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. If you lot refuse, you lot volition hold upwards brought dorsum to the surface too volition never hold upwards contacted in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than earlier the Event. If you lot accept, the agent volition leave of absence you lot solitary too you lot volition locomote inward through the high-tech door past times yourself. You volition hold upwards asked to select off all your wearing apparel too leave of absence the handbag amongst your personal holding inward a exceptional tray. Then you lot volition hold upwards asked to locomote inward the “shower cabin”, where you lot volition hold upwards disinfected from all nanotechnology too from most viruses too bacteria.

5. You volition locomote out from the other side of the “shower cabin” into the Resistance proper, refreshed too disinfected. At this betoken you lot volition experience much better, amongst bursts of inner joy too volition experience really hold upwards too total of energy.

A novel develop of wearable volition hold off for you lot inward the tray amongst your master copy wearable existence disintegrated, too your personal items volition hold upwards waiting inward the bag, disinfected too costless from nanites.

6. You volition locomote inward the side past times side room where a medical MD volition perform a medical check. This cheque volition select almost xxx minutes too volition hold upwards totally non-invasive too painless. If you lot had whatsoever serious medical status prior to your entry into the Resistance, it volition hold upwards inward most cases corrected within additional 10 to twenty minutes amongst a exceptional quantum correction bedroom inward a painless procedure. After the medical procedures are completed, you lot volition hold upwards given a exceptional potable that volition trigger a detox process.

7. You volition hold upwards given your ain room to residuum too slumber too become through a detox process, which volition sometimes hold upwards quite intense too tin hold upwards moderately unpleasant. This physical care for volition unremarkably select 1-3 days too volition assistance you lot position out most physical, energetic too emotional impurities that you lot possess got accumulated during your life on the surface. During the physical care for you lot mightiness experience mild to moderate side effects of the detox physical care for such equally headache, tiredness, low-cal nausea, vomiting, rigid emotional release, loss of appetite too prolonged sleep.

8. After the detox physical care for is over, you lot volition hold upwards able to displace freely into some of the outermost areas of the Resistance:

You volition hold upwards piece of cake integrated into the Resistance gild too volition uncovering your identify within the Resistance soul family:

The dream was taking identify inward a hypnagogic state, that sparse work betwixt the waking the world too slumber that is a portal betwixt physical too higher dimensions:

The dream was induced equally a signal for the surface population to commencement preparing for the contact amongst the Agartha network, too genuinely reveals a large purpose of entry protocols.

If you lot are reading this, you lot may, or may non hold upwards invited to locomote inward the Resistance or other positive Agartha faction earlier the Event.

I tin give exact description too guidance for the entry protocols into the Resistance. I tin non give exact entry protocols for other positive Agartha factions, although they are almost just the same inward most aspects.

If you lot are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entry protocols are equally follows:

1. You volition hold upwards physically contacted past times a Resistance agent, really close to the identify where you lot live. He or she volition hold upwards wearing patently civilian wearing apparel too volition emanate really positive energy. He/she volition innovate herself/himself to you lot too enquire you lot if your are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. It volition hold upwards explained to you lot that later entering the Resistance, you lot volition NOT hold upwards able to possess got whatsoever physical contact amongst the surface population.

2. You volition hold upwards given betwixt v too xv minutes to collect your personal items to convey amongst you. You volition hold upwards asked to convey objects of personal emotional value (wedding rings, photos of loved ones,...) because all other objects (clothing, food, gold, cash, ID documents...) tin hold upwards easily reproduced amongst replicators. You volition hold upwards given a pocket-sized handbag too all your items volition demand to gibe inward that bag. Size too weight requirements volition hold upwards really similar to requirements astronauts had for their personal items on a Space Shuttle:

3. The Resistance agent volition escort you lot to the entry betoken into the Resistance. This volition unremarkably hold upwards a service door inward the cellar or basement within a commercial edifice around your home. There he volition guide you lot to descend a develop of stairs that volition atomic number 82 you lot xxx meters/yards cloak-and-dagger to the topmost degree of the Resistance. The stairs volition await somewhat similar this:


4. When you lot arrive at Resistance level, you lot volition approach a high-tech door that volition atomic number 82 into a construction that volition await somewhat similar a shower cabin:

At this betoken the agent volition enquire you lot the terminal fourth dimension if you lot are willing to locomote inward the Resistance. If you lot refuse, you lot volition hold upwards brought dorsum to the surface too volition never hold upwards contacted in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than earlier the Event. If you lot accept, the agent volition leave of absence you lot solitary too you lot volition locomote inward through the high-tech door past times yourself. You volition hold upwards asked to select off all your wearing apparel too leave of absence the handbag amongst your personal holding inward a exceptional tray. Then you lot volition hold upwards asked to locomote inward the “shower cabin”, where you lot volition hold upwards disinfected from all nanotechnology too from most viruses too bacteria.

5. You volition locomote out from the other side of the “shower cabin” into the Resistance proper, refreshed too disinfected. At this betoken you lot volition experience much better, amongst bursts of inner joy too volition experience really hold upwards too total of energy.

A novel develop of wearable volition hold off for you lot inward the tray amongst your master copy wearable existence disintegrated, too your personal items volition hold upwards waiting inward the bag, disinfected too costless from nanites.

6. You volition locomote inward the side past times side room where a medical MD volition perform a medical check. This cheque volition select almost xxx minutes too volition hold upwards totally non-invasive too painless. If you lot had whatsoever serious medical status prior to your entry into the Resistance, it volition hold upwards inward most cases corrected within additional 10 to twenty minutes amongst a exceptional quantum correction bedroom inward a painless procedure. After the medical procedures are completed, you lot volition hold upwards given a exceptional potable that volition trigger a detox process.

7. You volition hold upwards given your ain room to residuum too slumber too become through a detox process, which volition sometimes hold upwards quite intense too tin hold upwards moderately unpleasant. This physical care for volition unremarkably select 1-3 days too volition assistance you lot position out most physical, energetic too emotional impurities that you lot possess got accumulated during your life on the surface. During the physical care for you lot mightiness experience mild to moderate side effects of the detox physical care for such equally headache, tiredness, low-cal nausea, vomiting, rigid emotional release, loss of appetite too prolonged sleep.

8. After the detox physical care for is over, you lot volition hold upwards able to displace freely into some of the outermost areas of the Resistance:

You volition hold upwards piece of cake integrated into the Resistance gild too volition uncovering your identify within the Resistance soul family:

9. After you lot are accepted into the Resistance, you lot volition non hold upwards able to become to the surface, contact the surface population or fifty-fifty usage the surface mesh / jail mobile telephone phone network, except inward extremely rare cases that volition hold upwards straight related to your mission. You volition hold upwards solely able to brand conduct contact amongst surface human population later the Event.

Victory of the Light!

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