
News Brand This Viral! Peace Meditation 2018-4-15

It is fourth dimension to get got activity again! It is fourth dimension to get got the destiny of our populace inwards our ain hands! We all grip that the procedure of reaching planetary peace is taking also long. Here is our run a endangerment to collectively speed upward the process. Therefore nosotros are using the chance of the New Luna on Apr 15th/16th to practice a portal through which nosotros volition residue the liberate energy champaign some the planet.

We are doing this meditation to counteract the negative effects of the military machine escalation that is right away taking house inwards Syria:




Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post service it on your websites together with blogs. Invite spiritual groups to bring together us. If yous know an choice media outlet, yous tin flame ship it to them. You tin flame practice a Facebook grouping for your local grouping of people doing this inwards your utilization of the world. We also quest 1 original Facebook grouping for this event. You tin flame practice a video nigh this together with post service it on Youtube.

Scientific studies get got confirmed positive effects of volume meditations on human society, thence each of yous that volition participate inwards this meditation tin flame truly assistance bringing the Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to solid pose down the liberate energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed upward the procedure of reaching planetary peace. Number of people doing that meditation is the unmarried most influential constituent within the ability of the surface human population for speeding upward the process.

We volition endure doing this meditation at the exact minute of the New Luna on Sunday, Apr 15th at 9:57 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This equals 9:57 am CST on Mon Apr 16th inwards Taipei, 3:57 am EET on Mon inwards Cairo, 3:57 am CEST on Mon inwards Paris, 2:57 am BST on Mon inwards London, 9:57 pm EDT on sun inwards New York, 8:57 pm CDT on sun inwards Chicago, 7:57 pm MDT inwards Denver together with 6:57 pm PDT inwards Los Angeles on Sunday, Apr 15th.

You tin flame banking concern agree the fourth dimension of the meditation for your fourth dimension zone here: 


1. Use your ain technique to convey yous to a relaxed province of consciousness.

2. State your intent to utilization this meditation equally a tool to speed upward the procedure of bringing peace for planet globe together with its inhabitants.

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, thence going through all beings of Light within our Solar System together with thence through your trunk to the middle of the Earth. Visualize some other pillar of Light ascent from the middle of the Earth, thence upward through your trunk together with upwards into the heaven towards all beings of Light inwards our Solar System together with our galaxy. You are right away sitting inwards 2 pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards together with downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize a purple flame purifying the Syrian Arab Republic vortex together with its liberate energy champaign on plasma, etheric together with astral planes. Then visualize this purple flame expanding through all Middle East together with purifying it. Then expand it fifty-fifty to a greater extent than until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its liberate energy champaign on the plasma, etheric together with astral planes.

5. Now visualize a soft pinkish healing divine feminine energy, healing all people inwards Syrian Arab Republic together with bringing peace to the country. Visualize this soft pinkish lite protecting Syria. Visualize this divine feminine liberate energy healing the minds together with hearts of all people worldwide involved inwards the Syrian Arab Republic conflict. Then visualize this divine feminine liberate energy expanding through all Middle East together with healing all people there. Then expand it fifty-fifty to a greater extent than until it encompasses the whole planet, healing all living beings on the planet. 

Goddess wants peace together with peace it volition be!
Updates nigh the Peace Meditation: 


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