New Map Poesy From What3words
January 16, 2019

The what3words addressing organization is i of the easiest ways to part your place alongside friends as well as family. The what3words place coding organization divides the basis into 57 trillion 3 x 3 meter squares. Each of those squares tin last uniquely identified alongside only iii words.
If I say y'all I'm currently at 'Joke, Pretty, Dated', all y'all bring to exercise is append those iii words to the what3words URL ( as well as y'all tin stance a map of my place to inside a few feet of accuracy.
Apparently What3Words too has unopen to other uses. For representative Darren Wiens is using what3words to exercise map poetry. what3words Poetry starts y'all off alongside a random iii give-and-take map address equally the starting fourth dimension iii words of a poem. The concluding ii words are thence used to exercise the starting fourth dimension ii words of the side past times side draw of piece of occupation of the poem.
Your chore is to render the 3rd give-and-take of the 2nd draw of piece of occupation of the poem. When y'all function inward the give-and-take the iii words of the 2nd draw of piece of occupation of your verse form is thence used equally a what3words address as well as y'all are shown that place on a Google Map. You tin proceed inward this trend adding a give-and-take to every draw of piece of occupation as well as receiving unopen to other novel place on your Google Map.
This sounds far to a greater extent than complicated than it truly is. In fact it is real uncomplicated to use. It is too pretty skillful fun. Here's a verse form that I created (you tin run across the map it creates above),
unlikely ants trilogy
ants trilogy reread
trilogy reread twice
My verse form isn't going to win whatever literary prizes. Why non run across if y'all tin exercise better.
You tin read to a greater extent than close the what3words Poetry map, including a link to a whole tumblr spider web log on what3words inspired poetry, on Darren Wien's Blog, Darren's Side Projects.
You tin read to a greater extent than close the what3words Poetry map, including a link to a whole tumblr spider web log on what3words inspired poetry, on Darren Wien's Blog, Darren's Side Projects.