
New Animated Weather Condition Maps

Recently the Mapbox weblog posted a actually awesome map of Hurricane Patricia. The map uses the Mapbox GL video overlay capabilities to exercise an animated map of NOAA's predictive GFS-model of Hurricane Patricia air current gusts.

Mapbox bring instantly created an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than impressive map. Animated Atmosperic Water is a global map of NOAA's 3-hour interval GFS model composite of precipitable H2O inward the atmosphere (October 15-28).

When I remember nearly how much operate went into creating the absolutely amazing animated air current map, Earth.nullschool, too then it's difficult non to remember that animating conditions information on a map using a video is cheating a little. However it is a vivid cheat.

Mapbox GL video overlays permit you lot to rapidly exercise actually impressive animated conditions maps (as long every bit you lot bring access to actually impressive conditions videos). I likewise assume that using a video rather than animating thousands of private points of information on the map way that the map itself performs much to a greater extent than efficiently.

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