
Happy X Military Camp Mom Cooking Activities For Kids

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We dear cooking as well as baking amongst our kids! The kitchen is a keen identify to instruct skills similar measuring as well as add-on acre also helping your kids exercise reading as well as learning novel vocabulary words! 

Today nosotros are going to part 10 Camp Mom Cooking Activities amongst you!


Camp Mom is something fun nosotros do each summertime at our house. We do crafts as well as activities (indoors as well as outdoors) amongst our friends... kinda similar our ain summertime camp. Some of our activities are also tied to children's books. Since this is our 4th twelvemonth hosting Camp Mom, nosotros accept loads of fun resources to part amongst you. 

These 10 ideas that nosotros are sharing are unproblematic as well as slow as well as tin assist you lot create your ain Camp Mom cooking classes inwards your household this summer! 

Pick i activeness a calendar week to endeavor or endeavor as well as do i or 2 each day. I dear how much fun nosotros tin accept together inwards the kitchen! 

1. Decorate Chef Hats

Start off your Camp Mom cooking classes past times decorating your ain chef hats. I bought paper chef hats from amazon as well as therefore nosotros decorated them amongst stickers as well as markers as well as skillful spelling our names. We dear cooking as well as baking amongst our kids Happy 10 Camp Mom Cooking Activities for Kids You could also brand homemade chef hats using this DIY chef chapeau tutorial from Anders Ruff.

2. Yogurt Pops

These are therefore unproblematic as well as easy! You tin detect my quick instructions for yogurt pops here. We brand these all twelvemonth long as well as purpose yogurt, juice, as well as fifty-fifty babe nutrient for the baby! If you lot desire them inwards cooler shapes endeavor using these Tovolo Rocket Popsicle molds instead of dixie cups We dear cooking as well as baking amongst our kids Happy 10 Camp Mom Cooking Activities for Kids.

3. Omelets inwards a Muffin Tin

Camp Mom tin laissez passer on during whatever business office of the day. Making muffin tin omelets is such a yummy agency to start the day. Kids tin conduct what they desire inwards their omelets as well as you lot tin fifty-fifty throw inwards a piddling give-and-take well-nigh liquids as well as solids every bit you lot pose these together as well as therefore bake them.

4. Oreo Asteroids

These H2O ice cream treats were inspired past times the book Twinkle, Star of the Week We dear cooking as well as baking amongst our kids Happy 10 Camp Mom Cooking Activities for Kidsoreo asteroid tutorial here. They are super yummy as well as sort of addictive. My son's favorite business office was crushing the oreos!

5. Banana Boats

Banana boats are a classic camping ground treat... therefore perfect for summer. They are also messy, which makes them extra awesome. You tin detect the instructions to this delicious military camp mom process here

6. Utensil Hunt

We dear going on hunts! Learning the names of the dissimilar kitchen utensils is sort of a big bargain if you lot are going to pass fourth dimension inwards the kitchen. For this utensil hunt nosotros but created some utensil puzzles amongst newspaper as well as therefore hid the utensils to a greater extent than or less our backyard. The kids had to detect them as well as jibe them! You tin read all of the details here.

7. Peanut Butter Boppers

This is a recipe I learned every bit a immature girl! It is unproblematic as well as delicious, therefore I had to exceed it on. We had fun practicing measuring as well as counting too. Check out the peanut butter boppers recipe here.

8. Ladle Relays

Water activities are ever a hit...especially amongst cool utensils! Grab a babe pool, a bucket, as well as some ladles. Fill upwards the puddle as well as therefore accept your kids fill upwards up their ladles amongst H2O as well as walk across the lawn as well as dump the H2O into a bucket. Encourage them to hold out together every bit a squad to fill upwards up the bucket or give them each their ain bucket as well as come across who tin fill upwards their bucket upwards first!

9. Banana Pops

Frozen treats but brand summertime a piddling chip sweeter... specially if they are covered inwards chocolate! Making banana pops is a super fun procedure amongst a delicious ending.

10. Bagel Pizzas

Bagel pizzas are a favorite dejeuner or dinner each calendar week at our house! My iv twelvemonth erstwhile tin brand them almost independently. All you lot postulate are bagel halves, Lycopersicon esculentum sauce, cheese, as well as toppings! We encompass the pizza halves amongst sauce as well as cheese, therefore add together toppings, as well as therefore create the pizzas inwards the oven at 400 degrees until the cheese is melted. Yum!

Once you've made your bagel pizzas you lot could also endeavor making this pizza collage craft.

While you lot are eating or waiting for your snacks to create (or cool), you lot tin cheque out these books below that nosotros enjoyed reading along amongst these activities:...

What are your favorite things to create amongst your kids?

Have you lot ever held a cooking grade for your kids or their friends?

If you lot endeavor whatever of these activities or accept whatever of your ain awesome cooking activities to share, add together them inwards the comments! I would dear to pivot some of them to our Camp Mom pinterest board!

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