
Happy Uncomplicated Lego Challenges For Kids

My five-year- quondam is inward this pretty awesome phase where he simply wants to play together with gear upwards amongst Legos all day. I honey seeing him thus creative together with excited!

I discovered this awesome Lego Quest website a few weeks agone filled amongst Lego challenges. 

Using the site every bit my inspiration, nosotros created to a greater extent than or less unproblematic Lego challenges for my kids final week and laid upwards a footling Lego challenge expanse inward our kitchen.  

First I cutting upwards a bunch of cardstock into rectangles together with thus I added dark circles to seek together with brand them await similar newspaper Legos.

Next I wrote a conduct house surreptitious challenge on each Lego card.

Then I stuffed all of the challenges (face down) into an envelope together with hung the envelope upwards on a wall where my boy tin larn to it easily.

The showtime challenge he picked was to exercise a aeroplane house. 

His reply was, "That's lame. I desire a novel challenge."

My reply was, "What exercise you lot motion-picture present when you lot intend of a aeroplane house?" He described a basic aeroplane household together with I said, "you're right, that is lame. If you lot were a bird, what form of household would you lot desire to alive inward that was cooler than that? I'd desire to alive inward i amongst a aeroplane H2O slide together with perhaps a hot tub."

Right away the wheels inward his encephalon got turning... together with his imagination started working! He excitedly told me a few ideas together with thus ran off to his room. When his dad got domicile my boy showed him his challenge together with he wanted to bring together inward too.

They ended upwards going amongst a simple, colorful design, but at that topographic point was a whole long listing of what the aeroplane was going to locomote able to exercise within the house. Our adjacent pace is to exercise a Lego challenge magazine where my boy tin write together with pull almost his creations.

This activeness tin easily locomote adapted for younger kids using Duplo. 

For younger kids I would alternative to a greater extent than opened upwards ended challenges instead of specific ones (ie. brand something simply using ruby Legos, or brand something tall or something that tin move).

Do you lot accept a favorite Lego challenge or activeness you've done? Come portion it inward the comments.

Here are a few of our favorite Lego posts:

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