
Happy Ten Uncomplicated Acts Of Kindness Kids Tin Produce {The Adept Long Road}

Yesterday nosotros kicked off this year's 100 Acts of Kindness Project alongside our commencement challenge issued past times Megan of Coffee Cups in addition to Crayons!   

Today nosotros are going to start brainstorming around ideas to attention us make our destination of doing 100 Acts of Kindness over the adjacent 4 weeks. Jennifer from The Good Long Road is going to attention us out past times sharing 10 Acts of Kindness Kids Can Do That Don't Cost a Dime. 

Click on the prototype below to read The Good Long Road's post.  

Did Jennifer's awesome listing attention y'all come upwards up alongside around ideas?

Here are 3 unproblematic in addition to cheap acts of kindness that we've done earlier that y'all could also endeavour this week!

1. Create a wall of love together.

This is a especial identify where y'all tin set notes to people y'all dear inwards your identify unit of measurement in addition to come across them often! Our kids added notes in addition to pictures in addition to our wall-o-love was such a unproblematic in addition to sweetness means for our identify unit of measurement to demo dear for 1 another.

2. Deliver a spin fine art snowflakes in addition to and then turned them into cards for our neighbors.

Kids dear to serve people inwards unproblematic ways. Do your kids ever appear ungrateful or a footling fleck selfish? Work together alongside them to honour somebody to serve in addition to you'll last amazed at how speedily their attitudes change. There is something especial that happens when y'all hold back exterior of yourself in addition to endeavour in addition to attention somebody else. I dear finding ways to experience those skillful feelings that come upwards from helping others 1 time again in addition to 1 time again alongside my kids. I ever larn something novel in addition to acquire to a greater extent than grateful for what I do have. It is never every bit good early on to start didactics kids to attention others! My ultimate destination every bit I attention my kids do acts of kindness in addition to service for others is that they volition become more loving, thoughtful, generous, in addition to compassionate people... in addition to I promise the same matter for me!

What are around other unproblematic in addition to cheap acts of kindness that kids tin do?

If you're simply joining us, caput on over to our 100 Acts of Kindness Project 2013 landing page to acquire caught upwards in addition to allow us know that y'all volition last participating!

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