
Happy Remembering Those Who Serve {Jdaniel4's Mom}

Welcome to Week iii of the 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge! This calendar week nosotros were challenged past times JDaniel4's Mom's is sharing a uncomplicated agency that nosotros tin flaming recollect as well as demonstrate kindness to those who are serving inwards the armed forces. 

Click on the photograph below to read JDaniel4's Mom's post

JDaniel4's Mom is a weblog nigh learning as well as exploring the globe amongst her 4 twelvemonth onetime boy through food, books, crafts, learning experiences as well as more. I peculiarly dear Deirdre's Read-Explore-Learn link up featuring mass related posts. You tin flaming find JDaniel4's Mom on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, as well as Google +.

Is at that topographic point individual inwards the armed services that y'all could serve?

Is at that topographic point individual who serves inwards your community that y'all could practise something sort for?

My mom industrial plant every bit the activities manager at a Senior Center. She as well as the seniors at her centre are participating inwards the 100 Acts of Kindness challenge this year! My boy as well as I took a trivial champaign trip to see her concluding calendar week as well as were excited to run into what they are doing to recognize kindness to a greater extent than or less them each day!

Each tabular array at the centre has a kindness jounce at the centre of it. They tin flaming piece of occupation the hearts within the jars to write downwards acts of kindness that they notice happening to a greater extent than or less them.

Last twelvemonth they made a see garland as well as added a see to it each fourth dimension they noticed individual existence kind! This twelvemonth the garland is on display to remind them to await for kindness!

My mom is a bully example to me of individual who is ever existence kind! This past times weekend I flew out to see her every bit she threw an amazing children's book-themed babe shower for my sister-in-law, who precisely had her cause baby!

There was delicious food, adorable favors, as well as lots of gifts for the novel baby! Although my mom loves throwing parties, as well as thus this was fun for her to do... it was also a lot of work! I was as well as thus impressed amongst every trivial particular that she had idea nigh for the party. It was evident that she spent a lot of fourth dimension planning as well as the effect was a real successful as well as beautiful shower. 

Spending fourth dimension amongst sort as well as thoughtful people makes me desire to last kinder as well as to a greater extent than thoughtful too! Whether it is individual inwards the country of war machine who is giving their life to protect us or individual inwards our solid unit of measurement who is merely doing daily sort acts for us... nosotros all could accept to a greater extent than fourth dimension to country give cheers y'all as well as last grateful. 

Who could y'all transportation a trivial regime annotation as well as give cheers today? Who practise y'all know who is ever finding ways to serve others as well as last kind?

If y'all are precisely joining us, caput to our 100 Acts of Kindness projection 2013 landing page to pick out handle of up. 

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