
Happy Mom In Addition To Tot Arts And Crafts Time: Abc Sticker Brute Art

My two-year-old is obsessed amongst stickers in addition to animals. This ABC Sticker Animal Art activity was a unproblematic agency to combine her favorite things acre exploring the ABCs a piddling bit. 

You don't demand to drill toddlers in addition to preschoolers on their ABCs amongst flashcards, merely choose deal of merely about stickers, markers, in addition to newspaper in addition to exercise this unproblematic ABC exploration activity. 

Supplies: markers, ABC stickersold is obsessed amongst stickers in addition to animals Happy Mom in addition to Tot Craft Time: ABC Sticker Animal Art, crayons, in addition to large paper


To begin off this action I drew my daughter's electrical flow favorite animal- a giraffe. You could also merely purpose a coloring page or accept your nestling depict her ain picture. The motion-picture demo doesn't accept to locomote perfect... merely arrive something that your piddling i loves!

Then choose deal of the ABC stickers in addition to accept her begin adding them to her animal!

While your toddler pulls the stickers off in addition to sticks them downward y'all tin verbalize well-nigh the sticker colors in addition to the letters she is choosing. We talked well-nigh words that the letters started amongst too. The conversation was opened upwards ended in addition to filled amongst commenting in addition to labeling... I wasn't quizzing her. I did nation things like, "Wow! You set the alphabetic quality H5N1 on the giraffe's nose." I didn't nation things similar "What alphabetic quality did y'all set on his ear?" If y'all notice, the commencement contention gives the information... the minute contention asks for information. This action was related to exploration in addition to teaching... non checking to run into what she knew, thus I skipped the minute type of questions.

After awhile of doing this activity, she was begging me to learn her more. "What alphabetic quality is this mom?" "Does this alphabetic quality become inward my name?" It is amazing how much learning tin give off when y'all continue activities simple!

In guild to assistance her exercise this action every bit independently every bit possible, I pulled the stickers off a piddling fleck for her thus that they were easier to grasp in addition to thus re-stick. After awhile, she got used to the pulling in addition to sticking in addition to was able to push clitoris them off without my help.

We had thus much fun amongst the stickers that nosotros moved into making a divulge mouse sticker arts and crafts next. We could've done this action all day. Even my five-year-old wanted to bring together inward because he liked chatting amongst us well-nigh the letters in addition to numbers acre adding them to his picture.

How else exercise y'all purpose stickers for learning?

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