
Happy Literally Moving... In Addition To Grooving {30 Hateful Solar Daytime Challenge Calendar Week I Banking Concern Jibe In}

We are getting cook for a large remodel at our house, in addition to hence inward add-on to running around in addition to having fun together, nosotros truly spent fourth dimension literally moving stuff around at our menage {mostly boxes in addition to furniture}.

Last calendar week nosotros introduced our Move in addition to Groove amongst Your Kids {30 Day Challenge}. Each Mon during our thirty 24-hour interval challenge we'll last checking inward to meet how it is going. I'd dearest for yous to portion amongst us how yous are moving in addition to grooving at your house.

If yous are joining inward on this 30 Day Challenge amongst us, delight lead keep a minute to create amount inward the Google Form below in addition to written report how yous did final week.

Some of the ways nosotros moved in addition to grooved final calendar week included... 

Tuesday - Family Jogging club

Wednesday- Jogging Club in addition to Splat Painting (hopefully I'll teach to postal service most this tomorrow)

Thursday- Freeze dancing in addition to going on a põrnikas hunt

Friday- Bike Ride in addition to Jog to the park, Tree tag, in addition to Playground climbing

Saturday- Moving lots of boxes in addition to Lightsaber Dueling

Sunday- Rest 24-hour interval (though wrestling the kids inward the chairs at church building to proceed them entertained felt similar quite a workout)

Monday- Hiking the hills inward our neighborhood in addition to dancing for infant Ryan

My goals for this side past times side calendar week include... discovering some novel creative ways to movement in addition to groove in addition to going on a hush-hush risk amongst my kids that too gets us moving!

What did yous produce final week?

I was in addition to hence excited to uncovering the First Lady's Let's Move challenge to teach kids in addition to adults moving in addition to beingness healthier. If yous haven't seen this evolution of mom-dancing video yet... I intend you'll in all probability honor it pretty funny. It definitely made me desire to teach upwards in addition to teach moving some to a greater extent than amongst my kids. 

If you're simply joining us, caput over to our Move in addition to Groove thirty Day Challenge landing page to read most the details of our challenge. Can't aspect to listen how it is going for you!

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