
Happy Knife Skills For Kids {Go Little Yourself}

Three weeks agone nosotros welcomed infant Ryan into our family. While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids, I accept unopen to particular invitee bloggers scheduled to portion unopen to neat posts alongside you! Today I am as well as therefore happy to accept Petunia from Go Kid Yourself sharing a shipping alongside us. This shipping comes at the perfect fourth dimension since nosotros accept been working on trying to learn my boy to meliorate his knife skills. There are unopen to neat uncomplicated ideas inwards this post. If y'all start practicing today, perchance your picayune 1 tin shipping away create unopen to turkey cutting tomorrow! Welcome Petunia!

I'm Petunia, the Mommy blogger at Go Kid Yourself, as well as this is my 4yr erstwhile son.... nosotros telephone weep upwardly him The Chief.
We're as well as therefore tickled to accept the peril to portion alongside y'all 1 of our fine-motor activities.... Knife Skills!

I but ready out a few butter knives as well as forks, existent as well as plastic, as well as foods alongside diverse textures as well as thicknesses.
We cut, nosotros eat, nosotros accept fun... as well as toss inwards a chip of math likewise :)

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Practice cutting soft foods similar bananas or cheese. Hahaha, brand certain y'all excuse yourself everytime y'all cutting the cheese... pee-ew!

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Cut or chop crunchy foods to run into as well as experience that it breaks or crumbles rather than slices apart.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Daddy told The Chief he tin shipping away portion this brownie if he cuts it into 2 pieces.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Scooping jelly alongside a knife is a picayune tricky. He discovered it's easier if y'all concur the jounce alongside the other mitt rather than accept it on the counter where the jounce but slides around.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Practice spreading jelly on dissimilar textures... similar a piece of bread, a picayune piece of brownie, a circular pumpkin, a moisture slippery melon, etc.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Spread whip cream on a brownie as well as feed it to Daddy... making certain y'all push clit dorsum inwards fourth dimension as well as therefore Daddy doesn't swallow your hand... CHOMP!!
Daddy loves brownies :)

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Practice saw-cutting something slippery similar an apple, a hot dog, or a melon.... moving the knife dorsum as well as forth alongside 1 mitt piece belongings the nutrient steady alongside the other hand.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Practice making 2 halves past times saw-cutting a soft piece of bread.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

I used a "big people" knife to cutting this pumpkin subsequently he realized his picayune butter knives were no match. We talked nearly how the pumpkin is cutting into thirds but y'all tin shipping away pose it dorsum together to brand 1 whole. I also pointed out that iii friends tin shipping away portion 1 whole pumpkin if y'all cutting it into iii pieces.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Using a knife as well as fork simultaneously was hard for The Chief at first. His picayune hands couldn't figure out how they wanted to traveling pocket each tool. But his traveling pocket as well as cutting technique presently improved but past times watching us everyday at the dinner table. It also helps that I allow him aid me when I'm preparing foods that involve to live cut... similar when nosotros brand tiffin in The Chief's Deli.

 While I am enjoying snuggling alongside him as well as spending fourth dimension alongside my other 2 kids Happy Knife Skills for Kids {Go Kid Yourself}

Knife skills come upwardly inwards handy at Thanksgiving.
Daddy lets him help carve the turkey :)

Thank you, Toddler Approved, for letting us halt by. Your spider web log is as well as therefore fun. I'm honored to live 1 of your bloggy buddies :)

Thanks Petunia! You accept shared as well as therefore many neat existent life opportunities where kids tin shipping away do these skills.

**Parents- delight recollect to role mutual feel every bit y'all learn these skills to your kids as well as brand certain that children are ALWAYS supervised when they are doing activities similar these. You know your ain kids as well as their abilities, as well as therefore entirely role materials that they tin shipping away safely operate... as well as of course, accept fun! 

Petunia is a SAHM, a military machine married adult woman inwards Washington DC, as well as a Mommy blogger. She blogs nearly her 4yr erstwhile son, The Chief, showing the Blue Planet how fun it is to live a kid. She believes EVERYBODY should live one!

Visit her at Go Kid Yourself and follow on...
@GoKidYourself on Instagram

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