
Happy Fizzy Footprints {Dr. Seuss Virtual Mass Monastic Tell Weblog Hop}

This calendar month nosotros are spotlighting physician Seuss for our Virtual Book Club for Kids. physician Seuss writes uncomplicated books that include dizzy words as well as phrases, lots of rhyming, brilliant illustrations, as well as uncomplicated text. My kids honey most books past times physician Seuss, thus it was tough to alternative which i nosotros wanted to portion amongst you lot today. 

After a lot of thinking, nosotros decided to read The Foot Book and portion a uncomplicated baking soda/vinegar activity amongst you!  

Baking soda as well as vinegar are staples at our house. We purchase the huge containers of them at Costco. There is something thus refreshing as well as exciting almost vinegar/baking soda reactions... specially when you lot add together a piffling nutrient coloring as well as some novel props.

 Seuss writes uncomplicated books that include dizzy words as well as phrases Happy Fizzy Footprints {Dr. Seuss Virtual Book Club Blog Hop}

The Foot Book is a majority all almost feet... thus nosotros started off this activity past times going on a hunt for feet! We hunted or thus the trouble solid for toys that had lots of dissimilar types of feet.

Once nosotros had gathered several toys amongst feet, nosotros prepare our Fizzy Footprint station as well as thus nosotros counted feet. The ponies had 4 feet, the octopus had viii legs, goofy had ii feet, the moo-cow had 4 feet, as well as the astronaut had ii feet. My toddler only learned to count to five, thus this do was expert review for her!

Supplies Needed: baking soda, vinegar, nutrient coloring, stirrer, droppers, pie pan, piffling cups, toys/action figures amongst feet, as well as newspaper towels.

Once materials are all laid up, pour vinegar into piffling cups as well as mix nutrient coloring into each loving cup thus that you lot convey several colors to use. Also, brand certain to position the baking soda inwards a pan or on a plate. 

Practice showing your kids how to squelch the droppers without touching the baking soda (though sucking upwards baking soda is likewise fun to do). 

To brand fizzy footprints, stick some animals into a pan covered amongst baking soda. Use the dropper as well as squelch colored vinegar onto the feet of each of the toys. The vinegar volition fizz i time it touches the baking soda! (It is fun to survey your kids ahead of fourth dimension to inquire what they intend volition occur when you lot drib the vinegar on the feet). 

Once the fizziness stops, carefully alternative upwards each of your animals as well as utter almost the footprints that they left. Count the footprints, utter almost their size/shape, as well as utter almost the colors as well as textures you lot see.

Then position the toys dorsum downwards inwards the baking soda, pick out grip of some to a greater extent than vinegar, as well as kickoff the activity over again. Plan to produce this activity over again as well as over again as well as again. The colors are exciting to lookout adult man as well as the fizziness never gets old. 

If you lot convey lots of dinosaurs lying or thus your trouble solid thus you lot could endeavor making Fizzy Dino Tracks as well. 

What other pes themed activities convey you lot done earlier inspired past times The Foot Book?

If you lot similar physician Seuss, you lot may likewise bask these other Toddler Approved physician Seuss inspired posts:

What is your favorite physician Seuss Book?

Did you lot know that March s is physician Seuss's birthday? We'll hold out sharing several other physician Seuss posts over the adjacent few weeks equally nosotros gear upwards for his birthday. We would love for you lot to add together whatsoever of the physician Seuss book-inspired posts that you've done to our linky today. Just click below to add together inwards your link details or only come upwards over to our Facebook page as well as upload a motion-picture exhibit to portion to us! You don't demand to convey a weblog to participate inwards our Virtual Book Club for Kids!

Now that we've shared our activities amongst you, we're excited to consider what you lot came upwards with! Please add together your links to any Dr. Seuss inspired posts to the weblog hop linky below. 

There are a few rules for this weblog hop that nosotros inquire you lot to follow, thus brand certain to read them:
  1. Link up only posts inspired past times physician Seuss that portion children's majority inspired crafts, activities, recipes, etc. Any other posts volition hold out deleted.
  2. Visit other weblog posts on the linky as well as comment on or portion the ones you lot love!
  3. Add our Virtual Book Club push to your shipping service if you'd like.
Here's the push you lot tin dismiss pick out grip of if you lot are participating!

 Seuss writes uncomplicated books that include dizzy words as well as phrases Happy Fizzy Footprints {Dr. Seuss Virtual Book Club Blog Hop}

PS- If you lot missed whatsoever of our other Virtual Book Club Posts you lot tin dismiss discovery them below:

June- Mo Willems
July- Don as well as Audrey Wood
August- Kevin Henkes
September- Lois Ehlert
October- Amy Krouse Rosenthal
November- Tomie dePaola
December- Jan Brett
January- David McPhail

Here are several of the bloggers that volition hold out participating inwards this year's Virtual Book Club for Kids:

Toddler Approved - Rainy Day Mum - Adventures inwards Reading amongst Kids - 3 Dinosaurs - Royal Baloo - The Educators' Spin On It - Inspiration Laboratories - Pleasantest Thing Edventures amongst Kids Two Big Two Little Playing With Words 365 - Kitchen Counter Chronicles - Outlaw Mom - Crafty Moms Share - No Twiddle Twaddle - The Good Long Road Ready. Set. Read 2 Me - Reading Confetti Mama Smiles - Juggling amongst KidsMom to 2 Posh Lil Divas - Creekside Learning - Creative Family Fun - The Usual Mayhem - Teach Preschool - PlayDrMom - CraftoArt - Here Come the Girls - Being a Conscious Parent - Smiling similar Sunshine - Crayon Freckles - Train Up a Child - Growing Book By Book - This Reading Mama - Smile Play Learn - Enchanted Homeschooling Mom - Coffee Cups as well as Crayons - Having Fun at Chelle's House- Love, Play, Learn - Juggling With Kids - Motherhood on a Dime

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