
Happy Fizzle Pumpkin Painting

Remember when nosotros did fizzing fireworks dorsum inward July together with volcano egg dying dorsum inward April?

Both activities involved using vinegar together with baking soda together with were amazingly fun.

Today's post is my absolute favorite i yet... to a greater extent than ofttimes than non because both of my kids were fascinated yesteryear this fizzle icon activity for over 30 minutes... several times today. In toddler time... that is similar hours together with hours! I mean value I had but equally much fun equally they did watching them explore together with creating myself!

Fizzle Painting (the agency that nosotros purpose it inward this post) was introduced to me yesteryear my son's preschool director. I accept seen several fizzing sidewalk pigment posts that are similar on Pinterest too... but I haven't seen whatsoever using our electrical flow favorite object- the pumpkin. Fizzle icon involves using a baking soda pigment mixture together with and thus squirting vinegar onto the pigment to practice a reaction. It is awesome!

Materials Needed: pumpkins, paintbrushes, baking soda, vinegar, tempura paint, bowls, a spoon, a surface to pigment on, together with an optic dropper (or straw... which is what nosotros used). 


  1. Mix your pigment amongst baking soda inward bowls. I separated each color. Use iii parts baking soda to every i business office of tempura paint... thus your pigment should accept a lot of baking soda inward it... but all the same hold upwards liquidy plenty to pigment onto a surface. You don't desire it to hold upwards clumpy or powdery. 
  2. Cover your pumpkin amongst lots of colorful paint!! The to a greater extent than the better!
  3. Once the pumpkin is painted, purpose an optic dropper (or straw) to transfer or thus vinegar from a bowl together with squirt it onto your pumpkin.
  4. The pigment should fizzle together with bubble where y'all squirt the vinegar equally it reacts amongst the baking soda paint. My boy got thus excited every fourth dimension he made the pigment fizzle (or sizzle) together with my immature adult woman exclaimed, "bubbles!!" 
  5. Add to a greater extent than pigment to your pumpkin together with and thus squirt on or thus to a greater extent than vinegar. 
  6. Once your pumpkin is sufficiently covered amongst pigment together with vinegar together with it stops fizzling, y'all tin motility it to or thus other surface to dry out together with and thus add together to a greater extent than pigment on your plate together with practice to a greater extent than fizzle icon in that place (without the pumpkin)! Or catch or thus other pumpkin together with origin over again! 

My kids each painted iii to 4 pumpkins today using this technique together with and thus a friend came over this afternoon together with nosotros painted fifty-fifty more pumpkins! I loved how the painted pumpkins looked i time they were dry out equally well!

I accept a feeling we'll hold upwards doing this activity over again together with over again over the adjacent petty while. To hold upwards honest, it is prissy to hold upwards using baking soda together with vinegar to practice something other than brand volcanoes for once. :)

Have y'all ever done fizzle painting? Do y'all telephone telephone it something different? What other surfaces could y'all pigment on? Do y'all accept whatsoever other favorite baking soda/vinegar activities? We are ever looking for more!

If you're looking for to a greater extent than activities using baking soda together with vinegar, hither are a few other favorites:


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