
Happy Christmas Roughly The Basis {And Giveaway-Closed} - Poland

This post is yesteryear our arts and crafts as well as activities contributor EJ.

We're participating inwards the Kid Blogger Network's,  "Christmas Around The World Series". Have you lot been next along? If you lot missed whatever of the begin posts inwards the series, live certain to banking concern jibe out the introductory post as well as free-eBook at Living Life Intentionally! You’ll discovery a linky there, too, alongside all the other posts virtually Christmas all to a greater extent than or less the world! I am thence excited to portion some Polish Christmas traditions alongside all of you.

Growing up, I was constantly reminded of my Polish heritage - precisely because no i could ever pronounce my finally hollo (which alone had i vowel, as well as a combination of z's, c's, as well as y's that most people wouldn't fifty-fifty endeavour to audio out). Now that I direct hold a much simpler married finally name, it's non something I acquire to utter virtually every bit much, as well as much less obvious. Which is why I dear the holidays, because it's an chance to instruct my children, as well as portion alongside friends, some of the rich traditions that come upward from my family.

My favorite business office of the Christmas vacation is Christmas Eve, or Wigilia (as is called inwards Poland). Wigilia is a fourth dimension spent alongside family, friends, a LOT of practiced food, well wishing, as well as an chance to reverberate on the nativity of Jesus.

Today I am excited to portion 3 traditions of Wigilia, inwards improver to a particular process as well as a giveaway!


Prior to setting the table, hay (or straw) is placed nether the tabular array cloth.  The hay symbolizes the manger on which the Baby Jesus was born.

Animals are given a picayune extra for their dinner on Christmas Eve.  Polish legend has it that animals tin give notice speak (and live heard yesteryear alone the pure inwards heart) on Christmas Eve.  My grandmother alone late establish out that my manful individual bring upward as well as Aunt snuck out of the line of piece of employment solid i yr to meet if they could take away heed the cow's speaking (I never establish out if they genuinely did).


There is ever an extra house laid upward at the tabular array for an unexpected invitee or every bit a reminder for those menage unit of measurement members who could non acquire inwards or direct hold passed.  While nosotros did non necessarily laid upward an extra place, my parents ever invited people over who were far away from menage unit of measurement or did non direct hold a habitation to become to on Christmas Eve.


Perhaps my favorite tradition.  Prior to begin the meal, nosotros interruption as well as portion the Oplatki.  Oplatki is a sparse  wafer, embossed alongside a religious scene (it tin give notice ordinarily live establish this fourth dimension of yr at your local European/Polish Deli (if you're fortunate to direct hold one) or tin give notice live ordered online).

Everyone takes a plow breaking of a slice of the Oplatki, as well as hands it to some other menage unit of measurement fellow member piece giving them a wishing for the novel year.

While my missy was thence excited to give a wishing as well as to a greater extent than thence to acquire i from her brother, she wasn't likewise excited virtually the sense of savor of the Oplatki (it pretty much tastes similar paper).


Although I dreamed of making traditional Polish foods alongside my children (like pierogi or chrusciki) for this post - I knew that their attending spans, as well as our crammed schedule would non live conducive to anything that took longer than a few minutes - which is what led to the creation of "The five Minute Flag Cookie" - no authentic Polish ingredients, baking or cooking methods - but a Polish "look" all the same (and easy/yummy means to larn virtually the flag):

Items Needed:

  • Graham Crackers (broken inwards half)
  • White & Red Frosting
  • Plastic knives for spreading frosting
  • Picture of Polish Flag (for reference)

Simply spread equal parts of white as well as ruby frosting on one-half a graham cracker to resemble the Polish Flag. Admire, thence devour!


I've looked at several books talking virtually Polish traditions, but alone late came across Pauline Karwowski's book Wigilia. It has been perfect for explaining to my children inwards a elementary as well as beautiful means virtually these, as well as several other traditions:

Pauline Karwowski, the writer of "Wigilia" has kindly offered to give away a re-create of this keepsake book to i of our readers (just inwards fourth dimension for Christmas).

Here's how you lot tin give notice move into the giveaway:

Mandatory Entry: Share your favorite "Christmas Tradition" inwards the comment department below along alongside your e-mail address.

*Extra entries volition live given to the foremost as well as finally individuals who comment.

Entry Guidelines:

  • This giveaway is opened upward for entry from Thursday, December 13th to Saturday, Dec 15th at 11:59pm (PST)
  • The random entry volition live drawn on Dec 16th as well as announced on this post. I volition notify the winner via email.
  • The winner volition ask to respond to me inside 72 hours of this announcement/email. If at that topographic point is no response, a novel winner volition live drawn.
  • See our Official Giveaway Rules for consummate guidelines. USA Residents only.
Disclosure: Pauline Karwowski provided us alongside a gratis re-create of Wigilia to giveaway to a Toddler Approved reader.

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