
Happy The Abc's Of Toddler Activities {A Through E}

Welcome to our ABC's of Toddler Activities series!

For the adjacent v days I'll live sharing elementary toddler activities amongst yous every bit nosotros motion through the ABCs! 

Each activity volition live slowly to fix as well as role materials that yous likely already convey approximately your house. These activities aren't rocket scientific discipline as well as some of them powerfulness non live brand-new to you, but they are tried as well as tested activities that my toddler has enjoyed... thus perfect to bookmark (or pin) when yous demand a go-to activity on a tedious afternoon.

As yous read these posts, intend of your favorite toddler activities as well as come across if yous tin add together to this activities resources inward the comments! Does your toddler convey whatever other favorite activities that start amongst the letters Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 through E? I tin alone part 1 or 2 favorites inward this post, as well as at that spot are SO MANY thus I would LOVE to convey yous add together others.

We've been wanting to create straw airplanes for awhile. This elementary tutorial from Pea Pod Labs is real visual as well as shows yous the basic instructions. We used tape, paper, straws, markers, scissors, as well as stickers to produce our toddler version. 

Toddlers dearest stickers! Pulling stickers off as well as sticking them onto things is a keen fine motor activity. My missy is yet figuring out how to line them off past times herself, thus I volition line off a few as well as stick them on the border of our tabular array thus so she tin selection them upward independently as well as stick them onto her projection all past times herself (baby steps, right?). 

For this activity, my missy stuck stickers all over her newspaper strips as well as thus nosotros taped 1 onto the front end of her straw as well as 1 onto the dorsum of her straw as well as headed exterior to wing our straw planes! If your kids prefer coloring, they could also color their newspaper strips amongst crayons or markers. Big blood brother idea the activity was super cool as well as had to dice far on the activity too!

We also LOVE alphabet games! Toddlers oftentimes start getting interested inward alphabet letters every bit they start to come across them inward books as well as other impress inward their surroundings (signs, TV, etc.). Playing games is a keen means to convey fun amongst the letters if your tyke is interested inward them. Any of these activities could also live adapted to innovate shapes as well as colors also if your tyke isn't interested inward letters yet. 

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few of our favorite alphabet games include...

Click on the links higher upward to larn how to play these elementary games.

There are thus many unlike ways that toddlers tin build. My missy loves edifice amongst blocks, stuffed animals, puzzle pieces, buckets, as well as pretty much anything nosotros convey lying approximately the house. Lately nosotros convey a lot of boxes hanging out because nosotros ordered a lot of Christmas presents from Amazon. This calendar week nosotros worked together to record upward the boxes as well as thus nosotros started building!

In improver to edifice towers, yous tin create cities, tunnels, or other structures for pretend play. The heaven is the limit. The human activity of edifice is alone 1 business office of play... afterward yous tin play within as well as approximately the structures yous create! In improver to building, my toddler LOVES knocking downwardly boxes... thus my boy created a lot of towers as well as she rammed into them as well as knocked them over... as well as thus they built them again. Both had a blast.       

Can painting as well as printing is simple, beautiful, as well as such a keen open-ended activity for toddlers! Just view some paint, paper, as well as a tin as well as start creating! My boy likes getting actually messy when nosotros produce this activity as well as my missy is the exact opposite... thus he used his hands as well as my missy did tin icon inward a box thus that her hands didn't convey to acquire dirty! It is cool to lay the box at an incline thus that yous tin whorl the tin as well as come across what it creates every bit it moves faster. These I-spy activity using other toys or materials approximately your house. Water sensory bins tin live awesome too- specially inward the summer.  

I idea nigh doing some other simple elevate activity for missive of the alphabet E, but nosotros had several leftover envelopes from sending out our vacation cards, thus instead I fix an envelope sorting station inward our hallway. I sort of idea the activity would live boring... thus I am amazed that it has dice my toddler's favorite activity. She keeps coming dorsum to it in 1 trial to a greater extent than as well as again.

I cutting upward a bunch of unlike colored shapes as well as thus I taped 1 form on each envelope. I stuck the envelopes on the wall as well as left a bowl of matching cutting upward shapes nearby. When my missy saw the activity she showed immediate involvement inward it as well as started sticking the shapes into the envelopes. At showtime she merely haphazardly stuck the shapes wherever she wanted. I permit her produce that for awhile spell I merely casually narrated what she was doing as well as talked nigh the shapes as well as colors ("Oh cool, yous convey a dark-green circle!). Next I showed her the shapes on the front end of each envelope as well as asked her if she could honour the shapes that matched as well as lay them inside. Excited nigh this novel goal, she thoughtfully collected all of the dark-green circles as well as lay them inward the dark-green circle envelope as well as thus did the same for the other shapes. As yous tin say inward the movie above, she had a keen fourth dimension as well as was pretty proud of herself.

We'll definitely live doing this activity in 1 trial to a greater extent than amongst unlike shapes, letters, numbers, beast pictures, photos, etc. 

I'd dearest to listen your other favorite toddler activities A-E, thus add together them inward the comments as well as if yous convey a weblog post service link or photo, come upward part on our Facebook wall!

Go hither to honour Activities F-J

If you're interested inward checking out some other learning through play activities, click on these other ABC's serial posted below:

ll live sharing elementary toddler activities amongst yous every bit nosotros motion through the ABCs Happy The ABC's of Toddler Activities {A through E}
To come across all the other ABC's serial topics covered past times my blogging friends, click on the paradigm above.

Tomorrow I'll live sharing several to a greater extent than toddler activities. They volition start amongst the letters F, G, H, I, AND J... convey whatever guesses what they'll be?

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