
Happy 5 Tips To Help Your Toddler Larn Linguistic Communication Together With Communicate {Via Playing Amongst Words 365}

Come bring together us for our Virtual Book Club for Kids Summer Camp as well as assistance your toddler receive got fun connecting amongst books as well as edifice linguistic communication skills!

Two weeks agone nosotros welcomed babe Ryan into our family. While I am enjoying snuggling amongst him as well as spending fourth dimension amongst my other 2 kids, I receive got some special invitee bloggers scheduled to portion some cracking posts amongst you! Today I am then happy to receive got Katie from Playing With Words 365 sharing a cracking post amongst us nearly toddler linguistic communication development. Welcome Katie! 

 as well as assistance your toddler receive got fun connecting amongst books as well as edifice linguistic communication skills Happy Five Tips to Help Your Toddler Learn Language as well as Communicate {via Playing amongst Words 365}

The toddler years are my most favorite. Your picayune ones are learning SO MUCH every twenty-four hr menses as well as it is then amazing to watch. They are discovering their Blue Planet around them as well as learning how to maneuver it. This fourth dimension of evolution is also huge inwards damage of speech communication as well as linguistic communication development. Their infant babbles are at nowadays turning into existent words as well as they are going from unmarried words to putting words together. It tin also live a challenging time, however, because oft times toddlers understand much to a greater extent than than they tin say and thus they tin boot the bucket frustrated sometimes...which tin Pb to tantrums as well as tears (for both your toddler as well as yourself!) So how tin you lot assistance your toddler acquire linguistic communication as well as foster a potent communicative bond?

Here are 5 things you lot tin produce to assistance your child's speech, linguistic communication as well as communication development:

Slow Down

My showtime tip may appear obvious, but ho-hum down. I hateful this inwards a few ways. First of all, life tin acquire busy as well as nosotros tin sometimes sit down downwards at the cease of the twenty-four hr menses as well as hardly hollo upward what nosotros did because it was all done at lightning speed. Make certain to effort to ho-hum downwards when you lot tin as well as actually talk to your picayune 1 during those routines that you lot oft don't fifty-fifty think about. Children acquire linguistic communication inwards everyday moments. Everyday routines. Diaper changes, bathroom time, repast time...these are all then routine yet some of the best times to slow downwards and speak to your child. These are the moments he is learning the most. Also, ho-hum downwards your ain speech. This is particularly of import if your toddler is struggling amongst speech communication as well as linguistic communication development. I receive got met many a parents who select their kid into me for an assessment as well as they are speaking to me at such a fast charge per unit of measurement that I receive got a difficult fourth dimension keeping up. Though some of this is due to existence concerned for their kid as well as nervous nearly the evaluation, mostly they acknowledge to me that they oft speak real quickly. In this fast paced Blue Planet total of jail mobile telephone phones, computers, "on demand" TV as well as such, nosotros are all moving then fast as well as talking then fast some picayune ones receive got a difficult fourth dimension keeping up. So...slow downwards your measurement inwards life as well as your speech.

Look at Your Child (And Get Down at His Level)

This may appear obvious but when you lot actually ho-hum downwards (remember how I mentioned that 1 already?) as well as accept a aspect at the way you lot communicate to your picayune one, you lot may live surprised how oft you lot throw out linguistic communication to your kid spell they are turned away from you lot or spell you lot are turned away from him. If you lot desire your kid to acquire linguistic communication as well as live a meliorate communicator, you lot demand to accept fourth dimension to ho-hum down, aspect at your kid when you lot speak, as well as when possible, acquire downwards at his level. This helps your kid focus on you as well as your message. This helps stage out the distractions around him similar toys, noise, as well as other children.


Fellow SLP Kim over at Little Stories has a fantastic serial on the importance of waiting. In today's world, it seems nosotros aspect everything inwards a millisecond. We deportment smart phones that tin produce a Google search as well as hand us what nosotros desire almost immediately. But our kids don't acquire linguistic communication this way. They demand us to assistance them, as well as they demand us to wait. In damage of your picayune one's communication skills, brand certain you lot accept fourth dimension to wait for your picayune 1 to respond to you. When you lot enquire a enquiry of him, wait. When you lot enquire him to produce something, wait. Sometimes, nosotros don't realize it but nosotros are non allowing our children to accept business office inwards of import learning experiences because nosotros are every bit good busy responding as well as doing for them, rather than waiting to come across if they tin do/see/say it without us. Read Kim's post at Little Stories to read to a greater extent than nearly the importance of waiting.

   as well as assistance your toddler receive got fun connecting amongst books as well as edifice linguistic communication skills Happy Five Tips to Help Your Toddler Learn Language as well as Communicate {via Playing amongst Words 365}

Stop Counting as well as Start Communicating

Years agone I was doing an assessment on a sugariness picayune man child whose grandparents took attention of him during the twenty-four hr menses spell the parents worked. Both grandparents were acquaint for the assessment every bit good every bit the mother. During the interview portion of the assessment (where I effort to acquire to know the family, the child, as well as the routines of the family) the grandmother proudly told me "We ever count the stairs every bit nosotros boot the bucket upward as well as downwards every day. We produce lots of alphabetic lineament as well as set out activities as well as he knows all his shapes as well as colors!" As awesome every bit it was that this kid could position all his shapes as well as colors at historic menses 2 1/2, he could non communicate his basic needs as well as wants. Yes, he could count good but he wasn't bespeak many questions to gain data nearly his surroundings which agency he was missing out on a lot. I know that this is an exciting fourth dimension inwards your child's development. They are picayune sponges that appear to soak upward then much. But correct at nowadays isn't the fourth dimension they demand to main letters, numbers, as well as shapes. By all means...please expose your kid to these things inwards natural experiences! Let colors, numbers, shapes, counting as well as letters slow boot the bucket a business office of his vocabulary but nosotros don't desire her vocabulary only made upward of these. Instead, hollo upward to communicate nearly all the things you lot come across inwards her environment. When she points at things, speak nearly them. Ask her questions as well as hold off for her answer. Narrate her play sometimes as well as narrate your ain movements. Talk to your child don't merely count the stairs.

Rethink Your Toys

Children acquire linguistic communication all twenty-four hr menses every twenty-four hr menses through all your normal daily routines. They also acquire as well as piece of employment linguistic communication inside their play, which agency that it is a expert thought to accept a aspect at the toys you lot receive got out for your kid to play with. I receive got some full general tips for you:
  • Get rid of all (or at to the lowest degree most of) the brilliant colored, plastic toys that calorie-free up, talk, as well as play music. You know the ones....the box says "Encourages Color, Letter as well as Shape Identification!" as well as this of the sort. These toys "do" a lot on their ain rather than your child doing the doing. I speak nearly these a flake on my ain spider web log every bit does Kim over at Little Stories. Check her post on SCLANS as well as mine on What Your Toddler Really Needs to Learn.
  • Make certain you lot receive got basic toys that allow for many opened upward ended play opportunities. These toys also allow for many many many to a greater extent than linguistic communication opportunities than those types of toys I'm talking nearly above. Some ideas of what I am talking nearly tin live flora inwards my Best Toys for Speech as well as Language Development Series.
  • Consider utilizing a toy rotation inwards your home. I merely started this as well as want I had done this YEARS ago. Read to a greater extent than nearly why you lot should start your ain over at Little Stories.

What produce you lot think? Are you lot doing these things already inwards your home? How produce YOU encourage speech communication as well as linguistic communication evolution inwards your children? 

Thanks 1 time again Kristina for this fantastic chance to invitee post hither at

For to a greater extent than data on speech communication as well as linguistic communication development, you lot tin banking venture agree out my serial on Speech as well as Language Development: Birth to 5 as well as my Speech as well as Language 101 page. If you lot receive got a toddler who is struggling amongst his speech communication as well as linguistic communication development, you lot mightiness desire to banking venture agree out my How to Help your Child Talk page.

 as well as assistance your toddler receive got fun connecting amongst books as well as edifice linguistic communication skills Happy Five Tips to Help Your Toddler Learn Language as well as Communicate {via Playing amongst Words 365} 
Katie is a a mom to iii picayune ones (ages 5, 3, as well as half-dozen months) as well as a licensed as well as credentialed pediatric speech-language pathologist (when she finds the time). She blogs over at Playing With Words 365, sharing data nearly speech communication as well as linguistic communication development, intervention strategies, therapy ideas as well as tips, as well as shares a picayune nearly her household unit of measurement as well as their life too. You tin follow along on Facebook or Pinterest for to a greater extent than speech communication as well as linguistic communication ideas as well as tips.

More Activities for Toddlers

Zero to Two: The Book of Play (my e-book) is total of fun activities for babies as well as toddlers. Many of these activities render cracking opportunities for speech communication as well as linguistic communication development. Download your re-create here!

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