
Happy 25 Acts Of Kindness {As A Mom}

We've had a keen calendar week equally nosotros accept kicked off our 100 Acts of Kindness challenge

My kids together with I started off the calendar week past times making elementary "kind hearts" to proceed tracks of the acts of kindness that nosotros do. We nevertheless accept several to larn to consummate our 25 form acts for this week, but nosotros actually enjoyed having something tangible to assist us visualize all of the form acts nosotros are performing. If nosotros produce at to the lowest degree 25 acts of kindness each calendar week nosotros volition consummate 100 earlier the terminate of our kindness challenge!

Here's a quick tutorial for how to brand our form hearts:

Materials Needed:  cardstock, markers, scissors. tape, vase, together with straws.


Cut out 25 hearts.

Color them amongst markers!

Tape each pump to a straw.

As you lot or your nestling consummate acts of kindness, write what you lot did on the pump together with stick it inwards your vase.

Once you're done, you'll accept 25 beautiful form hearts inwards your vase to remind you lot of all of the form things you've done!


In add-on to helping my kids perform acts of kindness for others, I am working to produce my ain laid of 25 acts of kindness each calendar week of our challenge. 

Here are my 25 "mom" acts of kindness that I excogitation to operate on over the adjacent few days! 

  1. Cuddle or hug to kickoff together with terminate the day.
  2. Have a scheduled tickle time.
  3. Host a solid unit of measurement freeze trip the calorie-free fantastic political party spell we're waiting for dad to larn habitation from work.
  4. Say "yes" right away equally frequently equally I can, instead of "in a few minutes."
  5. Snuggle extra amongst the infant inwards the middle of the nighttime instead of existence grumpy that I'm awake.
  6. Make a especial dinner featuring the kid's favorite things.
  7. Read an extra 2 or 3 or iv books at bedtime or naptime, but because.
  8. Use delight together with give thank you lot you to a greater extent than often.
  9. Give hugs for piffling things.
  10. Put away away my holler together with my estimator together with live on introduce all solar daytime long.
  11. Do several of the kid's favorite messy arts and crafts projects together with non worry most the mess.
  12. Heart assail the kid's doors amongst newspaper hearts that say them my favorite things most them.
  13. Smile more.
  14. Notice the thoughtful things my kids produce to a greater extent than frequently together with give thank you lot them.
  15. Use a form tone, fifty-fifty when I am frustrated.
  16. Sit downwards together with produce unstructured playtime amongst my kids for a solid chunk of fourth dimension without whatever interruptions. 
  17. Look through pictures together of my kid's favorite moments during the past times year.
  18. Listen together with response inwards a prissy way, fifty-fifty if my boy is telling me something he's already told me several other times.
  19. Make a smiley confront amongst whipped cream on my kid's waffles inwards the morning.
  20. Schedule an private engagement amongst each of my kids to produce something fun that they love.
  21. Teach each nestling a novel science (my goals: memorize a novel vocal amongst my boy together with learn my miss to seat on her ain shoes).
  22. Let me kids grab me gossiping to somebody else most all the sweetness together with wonderful characteristics they have.
  23. Go on a especial jeopardy together.
  24. Let them assist me amongst a especial projection or especial chores normally reserved for but me to produce past times myself.
  25. Say "I dear you" a lot together with say them why.

What are around ways that you lot could live on to a greater extent than form equally a mom? (or dad or grandparent or sibling?)

If you're but joining us, caput on over to our 100 Acts of Kindness Project 2013 landing page to larn caught upward together with permit us know that you lot volition live on participating!

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