
Happy V Things 1 Produce Every 24-Hour Interval Amongst My Toddler

I dearest the toddler stage. I intend I am going to travel thence lamentable when all of my kids displace through this stage because it is thence darn cute. I dearest to do simple toddler play activities alongside my littlest (age 2) every twenty-four threescore minutes catamenia together with pass a lot of fourth dimension snuggling equally well. I also say my toddler that I dearest him a dozen times a day! Make certain that is on your "to-do" listing too!

As a busy working mom of iii kiddos I ofttimes brand genuinely detailed to-do lists together with receive got super high expectations for what nosotros are going to attain inward a day. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few times a calendar week I receive got my toddler all to myself spell my bigger kiddos are at school. We sometimes pass that fourth dimension running errands, working out, cleaning the house, together with doing fun crafts or activities for my Toddler Approved site. 

Lately though I've been trying to dull downward together with focus on the unproblematic things my toddler wants to do during our special fourth dimension together, instead of but my to do list. Not for the whole ii hours, but for business office of the time.

Here are 5 things nosotros elbow grease together with do every day... 

1. Read

This is the most obvious, but in all probability the most important. To travel honest alongside you... sometimes I don't similar sitting downward to read alongside my toddler because my vocalism gets hoarse rattling rapidly together with I am unremarkably thence tired during the twenty-four threescore minutes catamenia that I showtime falling asleep when I read. I receive got to set a boundary on how many books nosotros tin hand the sack read inward a row, peculiarly inward the afternoon. Sometimes to vary it upwards nosotros also read outside, read spell nosotros are eating snack, or psyche to a majority read aloud on YouTube on my computer. We also invite friends over to read 1 time a calendar month together with participate inward our Mommy & Me Toddler Book Club.

I dearest reading because it is fun, it helps us role our imaginations, it teaches my boy some novel vocabulary words, together with it makes him dearest reading! We also dearest doing book inspired crafts together with activities afterwards nosotros read.

I collect book lists for kids over on Pinterest if yous ever remove whatever majority ideas. 

Right at 1 time these are iii of the books nosotros read over together with over again...

2. Go on a hunt

If yous receive got been a follower of Toddler Approved for awhile together with then yous know nosotros dearest to become on hunts! Hunts are such a neat means to acquire kids moving together with learning most novel things inward an active way. We fifty-fifty included them inward our ABCs of Toddler Activities because nosotros intend all toddlers receive got fun alongside hunting. You tin hand the sack also necktie hunts into all sorts of concepts - colouring matching, mention recognition, set out recognition, exploring the alphabet, etc.

Recently nosotros did a spring mention hunt and a heart alphabet fit & hunt game. Flashlight hunts are pretty cool too.

3. Play alongside playdough

I dearest doing sensory activities alongside my toddler but on a daily solid soil I am non organized plenty to force together anything genuinely fancy. I dearest to catch our giant box of playdough, playdough tools, together with a few cool playdough creating items together with permit my toddler receive got a boom spell I either operate sitting nearby or construct clean the kitchen. It is genuinely cathartic to but sit down downward together with play alongside him too. Making spaghetti or curlicue pots or playdough snakes is genuinely really fun.

Sometimes we'll brand playdough cupcakes, playdough & fruit loop threading, or playdough bugs equally well.

4. Move

We become to the green or play inward our yard to acquire ourselves moving every day. Sometimes I jog pushing my toddler inward the stroller together with nosotros halt together with banking enterprise check out dissimilar things or thence the neighborhood together with sometimes nosotros but catch our favorite ride-on toys together with drive them or thence our cul-de-sac.

When my large kids are dwelling work solid nosotros sometimes do a family jogging club. I've also done our jogging fellowship alongside but me together with my toddler. He loves getting a punch on his carte du jour every fourth dimension he runs a lap! When my immature lady was a toddler nosotros would also do a unproblematic alphabet jogging game

I dearest to acquire moving exterior but sometimes when nosotros are stuck indoors nosotros also do displace activities equally well! I similar to conform this stick displace game for my toddler together with nosotros play it together (even though he can't genuinely count yet).

5. Pretend Play

My toddler has a rattling active imagination. His favorite matter correct at 1 time is to pretend he is a Dr. together with I am the patient. That to a greater extent than ofttimes than non entails him checking me out alongside our Doc McStuffins Dr. kit together with wanting to hand me band-aids. He also loves to clothes upwards inward some of our favorite Melissa & Doug clothes upwards costumes

Another unproblematic pretend activeness that nosotros do a lot is play store. This is genuinely slow to laid up. We but catch a nipper tabular array together with toy shop alongside LEGO bricks equally well.

If yous remove whatever pretend play ideas I receive got several over on my Pretend Play pinterest board. Pretend play is such a neat means to operate on vocabulary evolution alongside toddlers together with practise turn-taking together with edifice unproblematic social skills.

Bonus: Extra Sensory Play

We also elbow grease together with fit sensory play into our day... though it doesn't ever happen. Sensory play activities are ofttimes the easiest to railroad train together with require lilliputian prep. I don't do anything fancy but dearest to force out flour or cereal or rice or brand upwards a quick batch of cloud dough. Shaving cream tin hand the sack also travel a lot of fun alongside toddlers or pudding (if they are yet inward the edible phase).

Some of my favorite sensory activities are...

Sensory boards (we made a Christmas Tree 1 that could easily travel adapted for other themes)

I also receive got an entire pinterest board filled alongside Sensory Play Ideas for Kids that are totally fun. 

Now yous mightiness travel reading this together with thinking... how inward the the world does she notice that much fourth dimension to do all of those things inward 1 day??? 

One matter to squall back is that toddlers receive got genuinely brusk attending spans! At our work solid nosotros mightiness play playdough for fifteen minutes, clothes upwards together with play Dr. for 10 minutes, play alongside goop for 10-15 minutes (and construct clean up), read 2-3 books, together with run or thence outside... together with sometimes we've entirely filled upwards 45 minutes!! Sometimes that whole listing takes an threescore minutes together with a one-half depending on the day.

Somedays when nosotros are rushing or thence doing errands together with alternative ups together with receive got a super crazy schedule, nosotros don't acquire to all of these... but I dearest having a few ideas inward my dorsum bag when nosotros do receive got time. If nosotros don't acquire fourth dimension spell my large kids are at schoolhouse together with then we'll ofttimes include them inward these activities inward the afternoon after school.

I'd dearest to listen what activities yous elbow grease together with do alongside your toddler every day? Are whatever of these on your list?

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